I wear the smallest micro g-string possible and a matching bra and security has never had a problem with it
Well, I would have to say things were said, but nothing negative...lol...says one of the ladies who may or may not have been topless...:flash:
On White Dress Shirt & Heels Night it is very regular to see a hottie in just that, the White SHirt and Hells, with no buttons done up. So, thus, she is flashing all the goodies. Nobody has ever said anything to Stacia about it. Or to any of the other ladies sporting that... outfit that we've ever noticed. Granted, I'm a bit distracted to keep track of the security guards with all that wonderful goodness up in my grill, so...
I've been to TTR before but missed lingerie night. I see what the women wear, but what are the guys expected to wear? Tighty whiteys !!
i wore a mesh thong with glow stick bracelets wrapped around the cock and balls and no one seemed to care. in fact i'm pretty sure most people loved it.