Not sure what Craig will wear, but don't think I can talk him into the Crown Royal bag. That will be something to see!
crown hey, Nothing says style like sporting a Crown Royal bag on your goodies. Since you wont be there Sassy, I will send you a picture! Unfortunately for NOLAFUNCPL, they might have to witness it in person. :shock:
Oh ya FYI please shave if you dont already!!!! I know you guys dont like grass on the play ground... Guess I will speak for myself I dont like Surf and Turf either :shock:
pics Sassy, I already do, I dont like that either. you should send some of those "unviewable pics" to us on our email below.
so you can see what is below just my smile in my pic !!! LOL the bars or clubs are crazy you will see some crazy shit.... really got those pics too!!! I do believe that there was more than temptations going on in the SEXY pool 1 morning... hmm 2 gurls and 1 happy MAN lol :shock: