Hi gang! We are first timers getting ready to leave for TTR on 12-21. I need some help with the lingerie casino night. I need to get an idea of what the women actually wear? I'm sure from the posts that anything goes, but how far would be "normal"? A few photos would help. My wife just needs to have her doubts set aside.. Also, how many cameras would be present? My wifes job would be toast if something compromising appeared on the web. Wanna' have fun but gotta protect. :lol:
Gumball...I believe there is a post in the Temptation Chatter Forum called Sexy Clothes ..First page..scroll down towards the middle.. It will have some pics that might help the wife. As for cameras..yes they will be there.. Enjoy yourselves at Temptations.
There was a wide range when we went. We wondered the same thing, but had no qualms after we showed up. Some of the women were in a handful of string.
Thanks Thanks guys, Ice the pics were there and just what I needed. We are soooo ready for warmth!! 14 more days!
i think jamie said it best........... maybe you should let us see some pics and determine if they would be acceptable or not
Promise If I take a camera to lingerie night. (and I think I will but I don't want to inhibit anyone) I will be sure to post some for the rest of you perv's. It will just make you want to go back that much more!!
we wish :lol: geez we do love those booze cruises :shock: but......... got to help my homeless, unemployed, drunk friend tim set up his girl friends house for the new years eve party and then do clean up for a couple of days - -----------if only i had not made the commitment - i suck :wink: