Truer words have never been typed. It was like kindred spirits just coming out the wazzoo! Doesn't matter if you became serious buds or just shared a shot or two it wouldn't be the same without everyone you got the opportunity to meet
The dates we have in mind are the 11th thru to the 25th, so think you should do 15-22nd :cheerleaders:
that damn sand followed us all the way back to the UK!! The forum was fantastic and let us get to know quite a few peeps before we even set foot in the resort. So within about 10 mins of arriving we were already going oh look there's so and so from CCC - it felt like we were coming home even though it was our first time. Hats off to Steve and to all the forum members for keeping the holiday going long after the sunshine is off our backs and the bikini tops are (sadly) back on....
Kelly my love you really do need to get out more if you think my lardy white ass and Ken's tanned bum cheeks are sexy!!! But I'll bask in that glory while I can!
Yes, great job Steve. We have been members on here from 2003. We are in contact and meet with many friends we have met here. We have been away from BBG a few years but going back in September. Sure missed seeing Jamie in May. Hope to add some more faces to more users in Sept.
We just got back a few days ago, we have made some fab friends and an excellent time and count us in for next May xx
New to CancunCare, and just got back from our first time to TTR! We had a blast and are def going back! Indeed made friends that seem very nice!! Cheers...