...that damn sand has a way of making us realize the people we are saying goodbye to, are ones we DON'T want to say goodbye to:icon_cry:....that's what makes us look forward to seeing each other again !!:wave: Is it 2013 yet ??
Y'all are making me cry..... :icon_cry: Group hug!!!!:3some: Got home last night and slept 13 hours straight.... May 10-25, 2013 is looking mighty fine to me..... just need to make it happen now! artytime: Jamie
Jamie, I miss you!!! Glad you arrived home safe and sound. CANT WAIT to meet up with you again next MAY ....we all have to arrange dates so we sync the dates up xox
So May 10-25? We won't be able to do two weeks (even I can't come up with that many friggin' costumes, never mind the money) but we DO DO DO want to cross-over lots of days with your other May folks from our trip... I think our friends here at home and on Facebook have gotten TOTALLY sick of our talking endless about Temptation and posting our pics etc... F 'em.
Looking like either May 6 thru the 13 or May 15 thru 22 us . Sons birthday May 14 so got to be home for that lol
Ill be sure to run into on either one of ur dates. I have to b there may 11 so ill work my week or 2 around that date!!!