Lifelong friendships are developed at TTR CANCUN

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by KELLY CAT, May 23, 2012.

  1. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    It's really kind of strange how this happens, but it's been happening for years - and is the main reason I started this forum almost 10 yrs ago. People really do stay in touch and month after month there are reunions both at Temptation and all across North America.

    I think the thing is those of us from here who go to Temptation are all of the same mindset and attitude - well those that have done their research and truly know what to expect, and people like that are not so easy to find at home.

    Many of us 'meet' people online through cancuncare beforehand and then meet in real life at the hotel after chatting here for a while. I think those that find cancuncare but decide not to get involved evaporate away and end up either not going or reading a book on the beach not talking to anyone and never come back.

    That leaves us an active user base of great party people who jump straight in when there and when you meet people who think just like you then you are bound to 'click' with each other and that's where the friendships develop and grow.

    Long may it continue!
  2. SheBop

    SheBop Guru Registered Member

    Jun 29, 2004
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    That's what friends are for - we look out for each other!!! Hugs!!! Great to meet the both of you. :wave:
  3. sharken

    sharken Enthusiast Registered Member

    May 24, 2011
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    I think that TTR needs to redesign their front entry way to the hotel. There seems to be alot of wind there that ends up putting sand in peoples eyes when they are saying good-bye to old friends and new friends alike. (or at least that seems to be the standard reason for the tears that seem to erupt when hands get shaken and hugs and kisses given out between friends) Even though this was only our second trip to TTR we have made some great friends and continued to meet more and more people from Cancuncare daily. Between TTR and this site, Lifelong friendships have been made and, I believe, will continue to be made.
  4. J_Boost

    J_Boost Addict Registered Member

    Mar 3, 2012
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    Steve the website was certainly a great idea and is appreciated. I said befire and I will say it again I was so amazed at the people I vacationed with while at TTR. Never before had I been somewhere I truly felt the need to stay in touch with people. Luckily I did sign up before I went down, and people knew me because of the website which allowed me to make friends and new relationships. The world seems small with the internet. Now I am true friends that I can stay in contact with from 3 different countries, 5+ different states and of all types. It is also what has encouraged me to return next year because I can stay in touch and I know my second trip will be even better then the first.

    Thanks Steve for the site and again to everyone else for being awesome.


    KELLY CAT I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 27, 2011
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    Toronto Ontario. CANADA
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    So true SHARKEN about the reconstruction of the lobby....gosh darn sand blew right into my eyes and I couldnt get it out...not even on the way to the airport. They def need to do something about it STAT!!!

    May 2013 cant come fast enough!
  6. Stacia_and_John

    Stacia_and_John T&A Tour Guide Registered Member

    Mar 1, 2012
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    +4,621 / 14
    Hear, Hear!

    The cat's dead-on. We Always meet great people every time we go to TTR, some of the coolest couples we've ever met, in fact.
  7. LotsaTimers

    LotsaTimers Cancuncare's Survivors Registered Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Couldn't have said it any better myself, Kelly!

    It was great meeting you!

    Note the pic in my signature, it says it all!! (Thank you Steve.)

    George and Debbie
  8. kimandkorri

    kimandkorri Addict Registered Member

    Mar 14, 2010
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    We first went to Blue Bay in 2001 and enjoyed the place enough to continue to keep coming back. Then in February 2010 we went for Valentines day trip. Horrible whether but we met some people that turned us on to CancunCare. Changed everything!! Since then we have met people (mainly because of CCC) that are truely lifelong friends.

    Thank you Steve!! I don't know if you knew what you were starting when you stated this, but hats off to you!!! You started something special!!
  9. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    My pleasure!

    Cancuncare changed my life, and all for the better.

    A little history about cancuncare:

    Our first trip to BBG (at the time) was I think 2000/2001. I'd already met my wife in Cancun in 1998 - I met her in Dady Rock nightclub when I was on holiday with a bunch of guys - we clicked and I thought to myself I am not letting this one go. Holiday romances are hard to keep up especially when 5000 miles apart, but we did it.


    Jannet moved to the UK and we married in 2000. Jannet suggested BBG might be a place I would like and we went and had a blast. Met Jamie and a few others and decided we needed somewhere online where we could co-ordinate our trips and stay in touch and cancuncare was born in 2002. Still quite early days of the Internet and 2 years before Facebook even started!

    While living in the UK we visited 2 or 3 times a year for 2 or 3 weeks at a time, met tons more people and the forum grew.

    In 2004 we made the big decision to move to Cancun. Not an easy decision to give up my 'job for life', my pension, sell the house and risk it all, but hey if we didn't would we still be wondering what if? A chance to live in the place you love?

    As cancuncare approaches it's 10th anniversary, we have had our ups and downs over the years - it's been tough sometimes. But we will be back to the hotel we love tomorrow for a short stay - just an $8 taxi ride away and a Boobs Cruise on Monday to spend our time with drunk, happy, fun people.

    We must have met over 5000 people (apologies if I don't remember all your names!) and only a handful we wish we hadnt. I hope the site keeps on helping these friendships grow for another 10 years, at least. We love to see all these reunions and parties all over the World that wouldn't have happened had it not been for Temptation and / or Cancuncare.

    Cancuncare and Temptation changed our lives and I hope it changes yours in an equally positive way. Realise your dreams, take chances, go for it. You only have one life. Live it.

    Thank you. It's you guys that did it for us!

    <wipes tears>
  10. BIG JOEP

    BIG JOEP Guru Registered Member

    Oct 11, 2007
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    I have to say I got lucky running into CCC 8 yrs ago. I just was a browser for years and decided to start chating and has been a blast! We have met some fantastic people over the years! We had a nice group from 2006 that we had a blast with! We still talk with some of them even know they haven't been to TTR in years. One of the couples we hung with split up. Doug asked if he could come to our house for a visit. Was just amazing that of all the people he knew for years and he wanted to visit us! He came and spent a long weekend @ our house and we had a blast! He is now remarried and very happy! Trying to get him back to TTR, been a few years! You just never know who you will meet next! In 2 weeks I hope to add more great friends to our collection!
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