Actually...muscle and fat weigh the same. Muscle will retain more water at first. The more muscle tone you have though, the thinner you will look.
Really?? That's good to know Terri. I was always told that muscle weighs more. See, you learn something every day!!!
Here's a link to a portion control slide show that shows how to measure a portion correctly.,1904,FOOD_16381_5513088_01,00.html WARNING: It definitely will show that most of us are eating more than one portion of food. :shock:
:wave: Hi everyone... well im back at work now and time to get cracking on the weight loss again. I did give it a bit of a go a while back when this thread first started... but things didn't go so well. As of monday, i've been at work, which means packing my food for the day and i've started off on the right foot and packed 'healthier' foods right away. I've also been trying to drink more water. I'm up to about 1 liter a day and gaining. And i started going back to the gym during my lunch break. so hopefully i'll start seeing results soon. How is everyone else doing??? Im sure there has been many, many lbs shed now.
My first attempt was a bust also, Isabelle But I'm headed to BBG with my hubby in October so hopefully this will be better motivation :!: