If anyone else is interested I figured maybe we could update them once a week or every 2 weeks............ I know not everyone who diets is motivated by the scale but for me it really works GOOD LUCK :!: :!: :!:
Aaaahhhhhh yes I remember those days :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Please feel free to join me.......misery LOVES company :wink: :wink:
I hear ya.... arms and legs are fine... just the part in the middle that i have to work on :? My wee-one is almost 14 months old... i have to stop using that as an excuse and get my a$$ in gear and get working out more.
If anyone is interested... I'm a certified personal trainer.. I've done the Body-For-LIFE program (both by the book, and with adjustments) since 2005. My first BFL Challenge was in order to get back in shape for my first trip to BBG. I'm willing to share my knowledge and experience with anyone that would like to ask questions.. I'm not a dietician but I can give you resources to help you along the way. Part of the BFL program is the Law of Reciprocation.. Giving back.. this is one attempt to give back, because I see that many of you are going about your weight loss the wrong way.. (Eating too little, etc..) Feel free to drop be a line...
yeah its weird.. you automatically think 'im on a diet, so i better eat less' but its the total opposite. Before i got pregnant, i would eat at least 5-6 mini meals a day... the goal was to never be hungry, but just to eat enough that you weren't full neither. I've sorta gotten back on that wagon, but not as religously as i was before... its a start i guess.
You had it correct... I eat 6-8 times a day (depending on how long my day is). If you eat more frequently, yor metabolism wil speed up. If you aren't hungry in 2-3 hours, you ate too much.