okay okay, tonight ill check things with my boss to see if i can stay at least 3 more days lol :lol: i just gotta go to this legendary party lol
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! We got her to FINALLY to comit to another day or 2!!! :headbanger: That only took like what...3 months? LoL!
it did not! lol its just that yesterday i received my new vacation day sheet and it says ive got 22 vacation days so... now i just gotta see if my boss gives me a chance :roll:
now this is cool, my friend didnt get that excited when i told him i was gonna visit him... lets see what he says of me staying longer lol money is def gonna be a problem now lol