CCC typically means CanCunCare as is this site. ABC typically means AnythingButClothes. But then again maybe not as written by the post(s) you are referring to Edit: Whoops, just saw answer above!
honestly with as much stuff that we have bought for glow night ..I might not have any room in my bag for anything else I am gonna have to only bring one pair of shoes and wear the same dress to dinner every night lol we have body paint .. body paint pens just found those hope they work .. about 300 glow sticks outfit .. some led pasties ..glow stickers … black light reactive dance floggers ... did I mention glow is our favorite night ? lol
Same here lol. We've got paint, El glow stuff, hair chalk, glow necklaces, we go a little crazy too lol
we weighed it and I have over 7 pounds of crap for glow night lol .. so all my other outfits came in second place .. for white night I am just gonna do mens white dress shirt .. and something sheer for most other nights except school girl .. even my super hero is sheer lol