Two more days still cooouuuntttting! All packed and weighed 48 hrs ahead of time...way efficient, or just anal. Still 4 bags, and 2 carryons due to volume but weight significantly down. Heaviest large bag is 46lbs rather than right at 50
Ya know... it amazes me how much Shoes weigh.... I mean, ALL of Stacia's not really there bikini bottoms won't even get close to filling up a coffee cup, much less a chug-mug... her dresses are so small, sheer and skimpy I can literally pack 3 of them inside one of my shoes (if I'm not worried about irritating her... which I am)... I've got my trunks and t-shirts How is that every time we go down to TTR we need 2 large suitcases? It's weird. We got to St. Martin for two weeks instead of the 1 at TTR nd we don't have as much...
Did everyone see the weather forecast looks like it’s gonna be raining every day. I’m sure we will all find stuff to do but how accurate is 80% chance of rain
Poured this morning for 10-15 minutes around 11am and soaked everything. But then cleared up and beautiful all day. Another great day in paradise. Occupancy: supposedly ~50%.