La Taberna

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by matkirk, Oct 5, 2012.

  1. T.J.

    T.J. I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 13, 2003
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    Mat, I did not comment on this but I think the price of one beer only is close but not equal, to the 2 for 1 price. It is obviously designed to sell two beers. Best to go with a friend and order "one for two", just sharing one order of beer.

    Cancun Fun, his name is Umberto, call me Beto.

    Davisod, not possible. Prices of everything are going up. You name it, it's going up. Some may be real but some have to be artificial. Eggs have jumped 65% in the last two months. I went to buy chia seeds last week and they had jumped from $100/kg to $188/kg. I think it was a 3 month supply I got last time. I just decided to live without his for the time being.
  2. Cancun Fun

    Cancun Fun Guest

    +0 / 0
    This started because of the millions of chickens that died from bird flu in Guadalajara a few months back. The govt called it a national emergency and started shipping an incredible amount of eggs in from the US. I think they also bought around 3 million hens to help replenish the supply. I wasn't aware until recently that eggs is where 90% of the poor get their main source of they are really feeling the pain of the situation right now.

    Our neighbors have bought their own chickens to raise just recently...their rooster is having a hard time getting the time right...he starts sometimes at 3 am right outside my bedroom door!
  3. davisod

    davisod Addict Registered Member

    Aug 29, 2006
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    That mofo must be the same one that was outside our hotel in Tulum centro last March. That bird is retarded. When he cockadoodledoo'd it would wake the dogs on both sides of him - who'd howl at him, "shut up you stupid cock"...needless to say, davisod had a bad sleep....and never again am I staying in Tulum centro.
  4. davisod

    davisod Addict Registered Member

    Aug 29, 2006
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    With all due respect TJ, I think it IS possible. The logic is: if the cartel guys goes into a successful business and says I need 2000 pesos a week, to protect your business from AK47 driveby's, molotov cocktails, etc, you don't say no, you say yes. And so you have to increase prices. I recognize that there are various factors like weather, viruses, etc - in addition.
  5. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    I know the owner of La Taberna well (as do others in this thread) and have spoke to him a few times at length as to whether he gets hassle from the cartels. He does not, there are reasons why which I wont go into.

    But yeah I agree with Mat, 55 for 2 beers is quite expensive for that area of town. I remember when it was 28 for 2. Fairly sure last time I went a few months ago it was 38 so 55 is quite a hike.

    But at the same time the place is still busier than others in the area, so you would wouldn't you? It's not a charity!
  6. T.J.

    T.J. I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 13, 2003
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    Cancun. QR, Mexico
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    Ditto to Steve's reply to Davisod. We have superior knowledge to a few things.
  7. matkirk

    matkirk Guru Registered Member

    Apr 30, 2007
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    Yep, was still busy when I was in the other night. If I'm in the mood for Yaxchilan then La Taberna will be my choice even at 55 pesos for two.

    27 pesos a beer is still very reasonable in my opinion - service is always great and the chicken wings are always delicious! :)
  8. JeffandShannan

    JeffandShannan Enthusiast Registered Member

    Nov 2, 2010
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    From another perspective, Beer "on Special" in Canada is $5.00 a pint, about 60 pesos at current rates. Regular price for a decent pint/brand or a bottle of your favorite is $6 or $7, so upping it to 78 pesos for one!

    Presently, I am in West Africa and a beer (well they say "star" is beer) is N500, or about $3.20 (38 pesos). However, if you are out past dark having one, chances are you will end up in the trunk of a car and held for ransom...

    Enjoy your very reasonably priced and decent beers in the relatively safe and most enjoyable La Taberna!
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