Kik / Facebook groups

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by Steve, May 8, 2018.

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  1. Country couple

    Country couple Enthusiast Registered Member

    Mar 6, 2018
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    I just wanna say thanks Steve for the site. We are not into the lifestyle but love to party with fun people. We wanted to go somewhere fun and celebrate our 25 anniversary but everywhere looked so boring or full of kids. I kept seeing TTR and it looked so fun but we thought it was a lifestyle resort only. After more research and finding your forum we learned that it's more about having fun with out being judged and since joining I have had some people from all over make us feel welcomed. It's only because of this site did we make the decision.
    PS. Why did the Chicken fucker have to be from the south. It could have been a Canadian with a sheep!
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  2. lowrider86

    lowrider86 Guru Registered Member

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Being one the senior members here, I think you do a fine job Steve, I know I don't post as much as some on here but just the same, I don't need the trash on here either. I back you all the way Steve.. Be there tomorrow around noon. Hope to see you and Janet!
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  3. Madre1988

    Madre1988 Enthusiast Registered Member

    May 9, 2018
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    Steve this site is great! I left a Kik group in March for the reasons you mentioned above.

    I started receiving dirty pics and propositions daily.....

    As you said LS people don't have a problem finding each other at the resort.

    Thanks again
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  4. ScubaSteve

    ScubaSteve CCC's The Dude Registered Member

    Jul 29, 2014
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    I am not exactly sure what a Kik group is, but after reading Steve's last response I guess I see how having a chat feature like that, which leads to be all about dirty stuff, doesn't make sense (and I wouldn't really want a feature that is like that).

    However, the one thing I will say as a different take on chat use is say I have a group of say 6 people, we all know each other from past trips, and we all talk to each other regularly. When it became time to book our upcoming trip, planning discussions (and just side regular conversations), had a better place being a part of a small group chat. I guess we could do the same with the PM feature of the site, but that seems a bit more formal and sometimes it's easy to go back and forth instantly in short form. The main thing why I think that type of chat has usefulness is the fact that we are talking about stuff that wouldn't be for the public. It's just our own mini group, with inside jokes and convos, things that really wouldn't have a place in a thread for everyone. And most of the convo would be more comparable to a group text message quickly going back and forth, and not like the "offical" posts that we still do put on here. None of this type of "group chatting" is about dirty pictures or explicit content (though it has found it's way in from time to time). If something like that was integrated to CCC, it would have been just as easy to keep it all under one platform.

    Just my opinion, obviously CCC is still near and dear to me, and where I log into first every morning while eating my breakfast at work. Facebook, or whatever else, isn't going to stop me from putting my most thorough and entertaining content here.
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  5. teamDMFP

    teamDMFP Guru Registered Member

    Jun 28, 2013
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    For our group we ended up using Facebook Messaging and created a group chat - and not everyone in our group is LS...we're just using it for chatting about when people get in, what they're thinking of for theme nights, just fun chit-chat about our upcoming trip.
  6. typeoxpress

    typeoxpress Guru Registered Member

    Dec 8, 2004
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    Steve, well said.

    We've been on CCC since about 2006 after finding it after our first trip in 2005. It's been a great mechanism ever since. Yes, there is the other site and we are on that as well. Steve made mentioned years ago that he started that to remove lets say the LS from CCC and let it happen freely on the other site. It's bad enough I can imagine just keeping up with the trollers to add additional resources for them or the once and done members is kind of unnecessary. At first though sure if senior members were asking for it maybe, but then senior members are here and not necessarily there. Seriously it all can be done here. If you go meet people at TTR and wanna stay connected off CCC you can, we do it. But if I meet someone that wants to go check out TTR I send them to CCC where they go from there is up to them.

    There have been the "We hate Steve" groups but Steve is still here giving us this site to use and I bet some if not all of those groups are gone.

    Steve's best interest is CCC and his other endeavors. My wife is a painter and I manager her website, would I let people comment on her website how to find a different painter? just let that one sink in.

    Keep up the good work Steve!
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  7. LadynTramp

    LadynTramp I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 28, 2013
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    Typo.........we get it! And agree with what you said above. Few of the outside groups are advertised in the messaging least that We've noticed. Some people want a different level of communication., and they are going to find a way to do it. I have no problem with that at all....BUT also agree and understand why Steve doesn't appreciate them advertising their product on HIS site
  8. Restling

    Restling I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Dec 30, 2012
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    I could t decide if I should respond to that post with a “like”, “agree”, “winner”, or a good ole, “LOL,” it seemed to have a little of everything in it. Almost like a Buffet....
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  9. tanyaandshawn

    tanyaandshawn Enthusiast Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2014
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    100% agree with everything you said... just makes sense... our trip was/is amazing because of the friends we met and had the chance to chat in group discussions before our trip here..
  10. tanyaandshawn

    tanyaandshawn Enthusiast Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2014
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    Our chat had
    very little if any sexual content and not all ours were lifestyle people either.. actually our kik group helped add 10 more people to the Boobs Cruise that were on the fence about going..
    I see Steves point but not all groups are like what was discribed..
    and I am like scuba steve I still login to ccc and almost every day.. a kik group will not take me away..
    ccc is a great site .... I comment CCC !!!!
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