Kidnapping Update?

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by 4NSPY, Feb 10, 2009.

  1. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    You joke but what do you think all the illegal Mexican (and other nationality) immigrants think of the US before they get there? They think it's full of white picket fences and green lawns and Baywatch girls. Ask them if you don't believe me.

    And the US is using more than it's share of the world's resources, so life really is easier there. Americans throw away the best trash in the world. Their high-end garbage is often better quality than the new crap I can buy in stores here.
  2. matkirk

    matkirk Guru Registered Member

    Apr 30, 2007
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    Now apply that argument to kidnappings in Mexico, RG, which is what the topic is about.

    I don't know, but I might hazzard a guess that a group of sleaze-bags in Guadalajara want easy money so they kidnap some rich kid from the upscale neighbourhoods of the city because they see him driving a BMW, living in a big house, know his daddy owns a factory and see lots of money to be extorted. I really can't believe that the fact they were just watching an episode of "My two dads" had anything to do with them commiting the kidnapping. However I have no proof to back my argument up either way, so I might be wrong and Amercian re-runs might lead to kidnappings in Mexico.
  3. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    Sorry if I my point became too subtle. My point is that the US exports it's over-indulgent concept of what being middle class is to the whole world. Mexico sits across the border watching all kinds of US TV programming and so Mexicans grow up wanting what they see across the border, not what they can afford here. And who can blame them?

    Being able to buy that big TV or that new sofa set like they see on TV is impossible with their salary. So those underpaid workers look for ways to increase their salaries. And Mexico is already so full of corruption that it is accepted when this underpaid worker joins a mafia or decides to use his power to extort the people he has power over.

    The Mexican culture accepts corruption as normal. And people here feel they deserve a shot at the US version of the middle class.
  4. Jim in Cancun

    Jim in Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0
    The other thing even closer to home and more tangible and not on the tube is that many thousands of local people who live in less than optimum conditions work in luxurious marble all inclusive fantasyland multi-million dollar hotels and see all of this and go home to a dirt floor or a tiny little house with 6 other people. And in spite of the standard of living in Cancun being higher than in many place in Mexico, the stark contrast is obvious to everyone.

    But I also agree that not everyone who sees the contrast goes out and kidnaps people and gets into a drug cartel. Not that easy. I wish life were as simple as I wish it to be.
  5. matkirk

    matkirk Guru Registered Member

    Apr 30, 2007
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    Eloquently put RG,

    I'm still not convinced of how big a percentage American T.V plays in people commiting kidnappings in Mexico, but I will concede that it could be a factor. :)
  6. Life_N_Cancun

    Life_N_Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0
    Regardless of what influences they may have, people who engage in exploitation, extortion, and kidnappings against others are demonstrating a gross lack of moral standards and respect for others.

    The causes of such characteristics in people are debatable, but the result is a downward spiral into savagery. Until the people of Mexico stand with one voice and force their countrymen to rise to a higher standard, Mexico will never gain the so-called 1st world status, that it longs for.
  7. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    I don't know how big a factor watching American TV is in becoming a kidnapper. But the disparity that Jim mentions, which watching American TV heightens, is certainly part of what supports people turning to crime and/or corruption to make more money here.

    To me there is a huge moral divide between taking a bribe and kidnapping. But in the case of public officials you can go to prison for taking a bribe. I know of one INM agent who is in prison for 10 years because of a $20 USD bribe. If you make that leap to taking a bribe, but then you face prison for your crimes maybe it's not such a big leap after that to resort to violence?
  8. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    I dont know if any of you watch mainstream Mexican TV but those same standards of opulence are portrayed even in a Mexican setting. When was the last time you saw a soap based around a hotel worker who lived 6 to a 2 bedroom house?

    On to the topic. While I could never say that this guy was asking to be kidnapped the first rule of living here as a foreigner, in my book, is to have as small a profile as possible, keep yourself to yourself and especially not get involved in business that is likely to bring you into contact with the wrong people.
  9. nmarcks

    nmarcks Addict Registered Member

    Mar 27, 2003
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  10. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    Steve is right that as foreigners we need to be careful to not look rich and not show off money. This is why I don't wash my car...well, this is what I tell people is the reason I don't wash my car...:lol:
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