I think it's a week since that Belgian fellow Kurt was Kidnapped from Plaza Peninsula. Just wondering if anyone had updated info if he had been released or otherwise?
Plaza Peninsula is on Bonampak- where the newish starbucks is. sort of opposite Club Casablanca.The night club the guy owns is on the 2nd floor. Security levels here right now are not doing anything for my feelings of saftey.Yesterday FEMA ( special services) raided a house near my kids school. Several vans of armed soldiers arrived at the school when kids were in recess.The kids were all taken inside and to the top floor and were safe, however it was traumatic for them. I know I should feel safer with all these extra security guys around, so why don't I ????? Tracey x
Yip - TraceyUK is correct on the location where he was taken. Don't want to do a bad translation of the story so for those who missed the newspapers here's the link. http://www.sipse.com/nota.php?id=24820
Here is an article from a Belgian paper--in English. http://www.expatica.com/be/news/local_news/Belgian-kidnapped-from-Mexican-disco-_49496.html I think all of us--while putting up a "no pasa nada" face to outsiders, tourists and concerned relatives and friends--are all genuinely concerned about the lack of security in the area. Robbery, kidnappings, mordidas, drugs are not all related to organized crime. Let us hope that what is happening now with the shake-up in the local police will help but history seems to be against corruption, bribery and crime being wiped out here. Sorry to seem so realistic so early in the morning!! I have been here 22 years and have no plans on leaving. Hope springs eternal and all that!! Have a good day.
I just spit my coffee all over my keyboard. You have a great way with words Jim. Personally I think that corruption is so expected in the Mexican culture that it's part of the culture. This is a nation of under-employed poorly paid workers. People in positions with any power often see corruption as their right and as their ticket to attaining a middle class lifestyle. It doesn't help Mexico that the cable companies here broadcasts the American dream at viewers 24/7. Mexicans are constantly bombarded by images of the US with it's large middle class, it's only natural that they would then want that lifestyle themselves.
And it helps even less that these shows are totally unrealistic, especially the older serials and movies that come across Mexican cable. For example, police shows where the main character drives a fancy car and has a great looking apartment that he couldn't hope to be able to afford on a cop's salary. People look at this stuff and don't see that it's only meant for entertainment, and say, "Why not me too?"
Yep "Happy Days" was reported as the number 1 cause of kidnappings in Mexico, followed closely by "Charles in Charge". :-o