
Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by 4NSPY, Dec 10, 2009.

  1. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    If the aggressor filed a false report, asserting that he was attacked, rather than the other way around, it wouldn't involve "tampering with a police report," which implies making changes to a report filed with the police, or prepared by the police.

    Here, I suppose a "procurador" is in charge of the investigative process, and takes statements from the police and witnesses in preparing the case against the accused. (But, the police may have limited powers in a case of this sort, involving assault, to act independently- by taking a statement from the complainant, and making an arrest, as they could in the U.S.)

    All of this could have proceeded as a matter of course, following the initial complaint, without there having been any need to involve corrupt acts by officials.

    Anybody out there had any experience with how a criminal prosecution is conducted in Mexico? I'm assuming it is done on the European model, with heavy reliance on statements read into the evidence- including statements from the accused, which he cannot refuse to offer. The European model strikes observers from common law countries as inherently unfair, but is used more widely in the world than is the system that originated in what is now the U.K.
  2. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    It seems this happened on Oct 11th, even if the aggressor did file a report why is the Dutch guy still in jail two months later? Surely that's enough time to study the evidence, get witness reports and decide to charge one or the other or decide that no charges will be brought at all.

    There's certainly something fishy going on - the kidnapping in itself is testament to that. But yes, great job by the Police in apprehending the kidnappers so speedily.
  3. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    th@bvg wrote:
    Always frustrating when bribes don't work as intended....
  4. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    Well, someone ordered, set up and executed a kidnapping: To me thats corruption. This/these who did it, clearly went under the table of what would be legal in ANY country in the world(I hope !)

    Being Mexico, Im sure no one would be surprised IF the politician(brother) is involved, as he certainly is in the position to call some shots, which unfortunately is being done daily in this country.

    Whoever ordered the whole thing interfered with justice.

    Sad that we get even more negative press "thanks to" a party-boy who cant handle alcohol.

    More sad is that a outside family is drawn into this... Lucky for us(unlucky for the one calling the shots) the lady was freed BEFORE getting killed...

    Now its all out in the open - someone messed up something for the aggressor that most likely could have been solved smoothly just by following the law.

    Im still amazed, in a negative way, that they printed all the details of this lady - thats truly messed up.

    My mom back in Sweden said that its already been on the news there...

    Have friends in Holland whom are reading about it as well...

    Cancun needs all but more negative press regarding corruption, violence etc.
  5. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    It's a mess, alright, but the fact that it's in the press, and that it's out in the open, is a plus for Mexico.

    The press here is often full of "corruption" stories, and people are frequently being called out for acts of corruption by individuals not afraid to speak out. Citizens are encouraged to do this by signs places in every government office that serves the public. This is a good thing, not something to be lamented.

    The fact that a "hit" of some kind was bought by somebody on the accused mother doesn't tell us who was behind it. I'd assume anybody with money could hire a few goons to do a job like this: it wouldn't require that they have any government position, at all, much less a high profile position.

    It does seem likely that this incident will damage the politician brother, no matter what his level of involvement, if any.
  6. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    Steve wrote:
    That's certainly true, Steve. Looks like two months would be enough, in a case of this type.

    I wonder what the mother was saying, or doing, that proved so threatening?
  7. th@bvg

    th@bvg Enthusiast Registered Member

    Oct 12, 2009
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    I take it you are aware that if you get swept up in the dragnet of an enquiry even as a witness and end up on the other side - your relatives are contacted with "menaces" unless protection money is paid.

    Perhaps Mrs Bronkhurst had paid up too much and too regularly and someone made the decision that she was worth kidnapping to extort even more money from the family.
  8. th@bvg

    th@bvg Enthusiast Registered Member

    Oct 12, 2009
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    I would imagine that there is a lucrative cash flow going in to the prison from his family that will do very nicely thank you very much. Turn that tap off and he might just get out quicker, albeit significantly battered and bruised as a result of the protection cash drying up.
  9. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    th@bvg, maybe you can find that site you mentioned, so we can better understand what happened to the people you referred to.

    Speaking generally, I have always thought it better to resist- when faced with unreasonable demands- feeling that any showing of a willingness to comply would only be met with greater demands, later. These statements seem to bear me out.
    Lots of movies have dealt with similar themes: I've never been tested to the limit, but I have been detained in third world countries, with written statements demanded of me, prior to being released. The novelty of the situation, and the sounds of other persons being beaten, in the next interrogation room, raised my anxiety level, at the time.

    Most of the truly tough situations life can present you with seem to me to be more about maintaining your composure, than anything else. Unfamiliarity with police/courts/jails, or an overactive imagination, can make this harder to do, in a situation like you mentioned.
  10. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    @V: I still consider this as corruption.

    Hes been kept in jail for over 2 months - thats longer than normal for these cases and someone is behind the fact that he has not yet been released.

    Since this is against the law, I consider it corruption.

    Now,of course we dont know if the kidnapping was ordered by any of the involved, but it seems highly unlikely that this was just a "random thing", considering the mother of the man in jail being the target.

    Something dirty has happened and things have NOT been done by the books, thus I consider it corruption.

    I really hope this get straightened out and I hope that whomever that is involved will be severely punished, for this is not "just a beating" - this can have major consequences for the whole region when it comes to the European market. Then if word gets around to the U.S., well, even more negative press...

    IF the politician is involved, then I hope both the law and his party takes severe action.

    Im disgusted by this kind of stuff, it makes me furious.

    If Villa and Zapata were to witness Mexico today, Im sure they would be sickened to what has happened to the country that they once helped to be free.

    Maybe they are turning in their graves...

    Sad, since I consider Mexico to be one of the most beautiful and interesting countries I have ever had the pleasure of living in on a long-term basis.

    Last years protests against violence resulted in grenades being thrown into the celebrators in Morelia, escalated violence(executions etc.)

    Tough to clean out something that is so incredibly lucrative for so many :(
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