
Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by 4NSPY, Dec 10, 2009.

  1. KTDLP

    KTDLP Enthusiast Registered Member

    Nov 4, 2010
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    Because it was never relevant. Free is a guilty criminal, regardless of who started the fight. His release from prison (on bail) is not a victory and he should not be celebrated as a hero.

    The only reason I bring it up now is because it is clear to me that you are bias and determined to damn Ferrat regardless of the facts. You can't even be objective when reviewing the evidence.

    He has been mentioned throughout the investigation and even the news. Again, he could be charged by Free but the sentencing would be minimal as you should know from your profound experience and knowledge of street brawls.

    No one is going to suffer for the time that Free had to spend in jail. No one else is guilty of crimes that equal similar sentencing to the crimes that he committed.

    How do you know it is Free? Can you see him or any body "downwards?" How do you know it is before Free hits Ivan? Can you see what happens off camera before you see Ivan emerge again? Were you there? A witness perhaps?

    Have you read any witness testimony from that night? Maybe you have read character testimony? Did you examine the injuries of any of the people involved in this case?

    The limited knowledge you have of the happenings of that night are the falsified "facts" and opinions that can be found on Free's website. Even the video that you refer to, with titles, never identifies Ferrat.

    Information that is meant to influence you and your perception is called propaganda.

    In layman's terms and without giving the intro to a 100 level PHL course online, The basic philosophical definition of Freedom states that with rights come responsibilities. These responsibilities are not only expected from our law enforcement but by all citizens. We define these responsibilities as laws (and taxes, etc. but that is for another course). When we break those laws there are defined punishments.

    RK was a convicted felon that was driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol. He eluded police and took them on a car chase. When stopped, he resisted arrest. All of this in violation of his parole.

    The police proceeded to beat and taser him leaving him partially brain damaged. The entire thing was recorded and released to the media. RK was never charged or convicted of any of the crimes he committed because the public and judicial system viewed the punishment the police gave him as more punishment than what the court would have ruled. Actually he was even awarded 4 million dollars of civil damages from the city and the police officers were convicted of EXCESSIVE USE OF FORCE.

    You said that no country you have lived in wouldn't punish both parties and I am saying that is just not true. A little thing we like to do in the legal community is use previous cases as examples of points we are trying to make. Although you may think this case is too extreme to compare because of the involvement of law enforcement, it actually has MANY similarities not limited to the charge itself.

    The public and the court may not have had sympathy for the burglar you mentioned in an earlier post but in the case of Rodney King and Ivan they do.
  2. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    Who of us have "celebrated Free as a hero"...?

    No, Im not determined to damn the Ferrats, rather what I want is that EVERY part takes responsibility for THEIR actions...

    Yes, the other guy SHOULD get penalized, as he is the responsible one for the event to completely get out of hand, regardless if its a tiny fine or a slap on the wrist. Why should this third person get nothing, when he is the one that instigates it all..?

    Well, the other two guys(black/dark t-shirts) are fighting each other, while Ivan is kicking and punching another white t-shirted man on the floor, who then gets up and fights back... Unless this guy on the floor, wearing the same t-shirt, mystically disappears in the blink of an eye, its Free.

    How do I know its before he beat up Ivan? Well, I have seen plenty of street/bar brawls, but NEVER seen a guy with a smashed skull and unconscious, getting up and continue a fight...

    I tend to stay away from personal websites, since its usually(99.9999%?) bias.

    This is ONLY what I have seen in the news, both from Free`s and Ivans older brothers side, on TV CUN amongst others... The version I saw the most was when Ivans brother was interviewed and commented the video...

    How can it be falsified when the video portrays Free as a "violent and crazy guy"? The version I saw was in favor of Ivan, and its the same footage: Free is kicked when down, by Ivan. (It had comments during every part, except when Free gets pushed by "Mr Mysterious" and when Ivan is kicking and punching "someone" on the floor...)

    What happens after I cant comment on, as I have never seen any footage.

    Yes, the countries I have lived in(+6 months for me counts as "lived in") do punish intent. Sweden, Norway, Finland, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, Greece and Germany(dont know about Mexico...)... Not saying intent is punished harder than certain injuries(obviously depends on each case..), but it does carry a certain penalty and it should do so.

    Usually its robbery(personal and banks/jeweleries etc.).

    Im happy to know that I can defend myself to any extent deemed necessary. Dont know how it works in Mexico though.

    @Rodney King: Whoa, really? 4 million..? Thats messed up... The cops got sentenced? Are you sure? Thought the riots happened due to them getting off the hook?

    I can see the similarities in one way, but for me(rookie, obviously, when it comes to law/justice), the jump from a bar fight to a real messed up case, is way too big.

    I wont budge when it comes to everyone involved taking responsibility for their part of the event. (Note: Call it utopia or whatever.)

    Free has and is doing so, Ivan needs to do so, as well as the other guys(Ivans friend and Frees friend). Dont think that its too much to ask for, right?
  3. KTDLP

    KTDLP Enthusiast Registered Member

    Nov 4, 2010
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    This is celebrating. There were also comments, such as "That's great news" and "at least he is out."

    As for the video, that all depends on your definition of "beats up." You can not tell from that video if Free hit Ferrat first or what Free was doing on the ground. There are other possibilities. Law here, in North America is beyond a reasonable doubt not based on assumptions.

    I never said that the video was falsified, I did say that the video is not the only evidence. Free's website is full of lies and exaggerations, blaming everyone that did not get them a favorable outcome for corruption. That is PROPAGANDA! Also, this guy is not a "mystery" he is even mentioned earlier in this very thread. He is mentioned many times in different news articles and continuously throughout the investigation.

    No charges have been brought against him. Not by Free or his friend in the black shirt. I don't understand what you don't get about this. It is not the Judicial Social's place to file a complaint against him, it is theirs. But again, I doubt that will ever happen as all of the happenings of that night will come out once they ARE relevant. And once the timeline and witness testimony is public information, Free's 15 minutes will be over.
  4. LTL

    LTL Enthusiast Registered Member

    Nov 28, 2007
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    All I see is Free and his buddy getting jumped and then defending themselves. They fought off the attackers and walked away. Good on them.

    [ame=]YouTube - freeFREE

    I guess according to KTDLP they should have stayed down and took a beating.
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  5. KTDLP

    KTDLP Enthusiast Registered Member

    Nov 4, 2010
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    Cute anecdote. Unfortunately, the guy did not get out of the hospital and go down to the pub. He stayed in the hospital in a comma. When he woke up he had to relearn who he was, where he was, when it was, and what happened to him. He had multiple surgeries to repair fractures to his skull.

    I get that you want to show your comradery with your buddy Free but all you are displaying is blatant prejudice, disregard for the law, and callowness. I can not waste my time on this level of ignorance, so I sign off leaving you to rot alone in your own distain.

    We will see what happens to your buddy in a couple days though. Hopefully he is deported as a criminal and his mother is arrested for bribery and made an example of.
  6. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    Nope, I didnt celebrate it, simply stated that its good for Free, which you cant argue.

    As I have repeated many times before: Im judging by what I saw in the video, nothing more, nothing less.

    The third time Free was pushed, he fell out of the screen and Ivans friend(instigator) went for him... Seconds later, Free is still on the ground, barely in the screen and Ivan is kicking(2-3 times) and punching at least once... Then Free gets up and exchanges punches with Ivan, until they disappear out of the screen. What happens outside the screen, I cant comment on as I havent seen ANY video of it.

    Now, you keep mentioning "Free`s" website - Ill say it ONE last time: I dont go for those, just as I wouldnt go for "Ivan`s" website.

    I DO understand that Free has to press charges for something to happen, and I do hope he does, as Ivan`s friends behavior and Ivan`s own behavior is NOT acceptable and certainly doesnt make neither of them "innocent".

    I would have agreed completely IF Ivan had been jumped by Free, unprovoked, but thats certainly NOT the case. Ivan kicks and punches a guy that his friend downed just seconds earlier - how is that being an innocent victim...?

    So, from the video we have all seen(both versions...), Ivan kicks and punches Free while he is on the floor...

    Free gets up, fights back. Thats as far as we all can see from the videos.

    What happened outside has already been dealt with, right? Free has and is serving time for HIS part. I sure as hell hope that Ivan and his friend be brought to justice as well, regardless what injuries Ivan received.

    Had it been the other way around, I would have argued the EXACT same point, trust me.

    Had it been me who first got pushed, then attacked by two guys while on the ground, Id do ALL in my power to A: Fight back and B: Later prosecute him/them.

    I have a feeling you are looking for logic and sense in a street fight - not gonna happen, trust me.

    Fact remains: Ivan made a choice. His friend had already downed Free, and he made the choice to attack him while he was down. Hes paying for it healthwise, and I sure do hope he will pay for it in legal terms. I doubt it, however.
  7. Princess015690

    Princess015690 Guru Registered Member

    May 28, 2010
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    I saw a video with Free in an elevator making punching motions.. whats not to say Free provoked Ivan in the club.. and was making thoes motions in the elevator saying oh im gonna do this and do that, or what if free hit him in the club or something then got kicked out or left.. and this was teh result?
  8. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    There had been an altercation in the club earlier, between the guy in the black t-shirt(the one that pushed Free 3 times) and Free himself.

    Now, if there was thrash talk etc. - it still doesnt justify attacking someone, regardless if Free and his friend where doing punching motions in an elevator or not.

    If one cant handle trash talk, then one should probably avoid the clubscene and alcohol all in all...?

    What I find funny was that the dude in the black t-shirt(who initiated it all), claimed that "we bumped shoulders", rather than him pushing Free 3 times, over.
  9. astrolis

    astrolis Enthusiast Registered Member

    Dec 25, 2009
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    ''My only personal involvement in this is my involvement with the legal system here in Cancun''

    KDTLP.If you are so blinkered you cant see that the reason why these personal friends of yours , Ivan and some bloke who is a policeman's son,dont want the truth, is because they will lose a huge amount of insurance money which they have fraudalently aquired from the insurance on false charges of injury then i have to ask Who is paying you then?
  10. KTDLP

    KTDLP Enthusiast Registered Member

    Nov 4, 2010
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    Actually, what is fraudulent and ILLEGAL is your sister paying bribe money. Your nephew is a criminal in this country and has to suffer the penal system just like anyone else. He is not special because he is a foreigner.

    It might be hard for you to believe but the general population of Cancun (foreigners not included) view Free as a criminal who has tarnished the reputation of Cancun for his own personal gain. While you are creating "gigs" to create a false image of Cancun, good honest business people here suffer. NEWSFLASH, you do not have to be a close personal friend of the people involved to loathe your family.
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