
Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by 4NSPY, Dec 10, 2009.

  1. KTDLP

    KTDLP Enthusiast Registered Member

    Nov 4, 2010
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    Actually it does fly. It is the law, written by and voted on by elected representatives of the state. Although your opinions are very colorful they are not actual in any way. The fact of the matter is FREE IS A CONVICTED FELON NOT A VICTIM OF CORRUPTION OR AN UNJUST LEGAL SYSTEM.

    This isn't Mortal Combat. Street laws are not admissive as evidence.

    Seeing as we are here in Mexico? Are you serious? Rodney King was never charged or convicted for driving intoxicated, eluding police, or violating his parole. Actually, he was awarded millions of dollars in civil damages.

    Maybe we should have told him not to start something he couldn't finish.

    The way the LAW views it and the MAJORITY views it, is that Ferrat has already payed for his involvement. What YOU want is to punish him for Free's consequences. Even if it was possible for the state to charge him with something, the penalty would be minimal.

    If this is all coming on because of culture shock or resentments you have toward this country, I will suggest that you just go home where the law is perfect in your eyes.
  2. KTDLP

    KTDLP Enthusiast Registered Member

    Nov 4, 2010
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    Actually it does fly. It is the law, written by and voted on by elected representatives of the state. Although your opinions are very colorful they are not actual in any way. The fact of the matter is FREE IS A CONVICTED FELON NOT A VICTIM OF CORRUPTION OR AN UNJUST LEGAL SYSTEM.

    This isn't Mortal Combat. Street laws are not admissive as evidence.

    Seeing as we are here in Mexico? Are you serious? Rodney King was never charged or convicted for driving intoxicated, eluding police, or violating his parole. Actually, he was awarded millions of dollars in civil damages.

    Maybe we should have told him not to start something that he couldn't finish.

    The way the LAW views it and the MAJORITY views it, is that Ferrat has already payed for his involvement. What YOU want is to punish him for Free's consequences. Even if it was possible for the state to charge him with something, the penalty would be minimal.

    If this is all coming on because of culture shock or resentments you have toward this country, I will suggest that you just go home where the law is perfect in your eyes.
  3. Princess015690

    Princess015690 Guru Registered Member

    May 28, 2010
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    where is the audio? How are we sure free wasn't instigating with words..? Not saying that is ok, but if he is as "physco" as you say.. he could have been angry and started talking smack?
  4. MaconWhoopee

    MaconWhoopee Newbie Registered Member

    Dec 26, 2010
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    Seems to me KTDLP is the more rational voice here. From others, seems to be more of the "progressive" foggy emotional "social justice" rather than rule of law and equal justice. What is clear in this Free situation, there was more than one crime committed. Perhaps, that is where most are getting lost.
    To create a similar scenario here in the US... here in Georgia for instance. Let's say two men entered my property and were approaching me with obvious intent to do me harm. Further, I give them fair warning that I am armed and will defend myself. If I shot them both in the heart, I would have good case of self defense. However, if they had turned around and were going away from me...obviously the "immediate/imminent threat" is removing itself. That is where KTDLP is coming from.
    First crime of assault or brawling could be raised against Ivan and crew. Second crime of attempted murder wouldnt be unreasonable to me, against Free. Obviously the threat wasnt there any longer..but he continued with a head stomp.
    Then again Im also from a generation where once the other fella is down..the fight is over and you offer you hand to help him up.
  5. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    No, its not "Mortal Combat", but a street brawl, and thus, even Ivan must understand what he got himself into. Zero rules - unfortunately.

    If we go by the video, Ivan initiates it by pushing Free down on the floor, 3 times over. After the first push, Free has the right to defend himself, by any means necessary. However, stomping on someone who is downed and out, is not ok. No one has ever argued that, ever.

    The point has, for me, always been Ivans part in this event. Regardless what happened earlier(outside the screen), Ivan is the one that pushes Free, 3 times over, and that then sparks the aftermath. Had Ivan not gone straight to Free and started pushing him, I doubt that he would be damaged and hospitalized...

    Free is paying for his part, legally. Ivan is not. At least not yet, although I doubt he ever will.

    I dont know why you make the comparison with Rodney King and the cops, so Im not even going to comment on that :)

    And no, its not a "culture shock", nor is it "resentments" towards Mexico...

    For me its simply about BOTH parts taking responsibilities for THEIR actions. Free is doing so(and has for the last 14 months...) - Ivan is injured because of something he instigated...

    In every country I have lived in, the instigator gets his/her/their part of the law as well as the other part(Free).

    Try to understand that I DONT support bashing someones skull in, but neither do I support "kids" running around, getting drunk off their heads and starting fights...

    Had Free attacked Ivan out of the blue/unprovoked, then it would be a COMPLETELY different deal for me. Now Free got attacked first, and I wish he had found it sufficient to knock Ivan out and then backed off.

    But then again: Im trying to find logic and reasonable thinking in a situation that involves two groups of guys, alcohol and loads of testosterone...
  6. KTDLP

    KTDLP Enthusiast Registered Member

    Nov 4, 2010
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    It is pointless trying to explain this to you since you have obviously not reviewed the evidence. The initiator, the person who pushed Free 3 times, is NOT Ferrat. But I guess you wouldn't know that if all you look at is Free Free propaganda. The shirt Ivan was wearing was white, it can be argued that he was actually trying to break up the fight. If you look at photos of him strapped to the body board, he is wearing a blood soaked WHITE shirt. The initiator is wearing a BLACK shirt. Way to be objective.

    I wouldn't expect you to understand the relation to Rodney King since you obviously have zero legal education.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2010
  7. Princess015690

    Princess015690 Guru Registered Member

    May 28, 2010
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    the fight goes off the camera..? does anyone have the actually video? with all the other cameras? the one I saw, I see Free getting pushed, but the actual fight takes place outside the cameras range...?
  8. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    My first reaction: Why have you waited to share this info, considering its been quite clear that I(and others?) thought the guy who pushed Free was Ivan...? Would have saved us all a LOT of time, haha ;)

    Ok, so it does definitively change the situation in several ways:

    * Who is the guy who pushed free? Where is he? Why hasnt he been charged? Why havent I heard anything about him in the news or from the Ferrats...?

    * Ivan is seen aiming at least two kicks and one punch, downwards(this is what I remember when the news channels showed the video..) and the person receiving those kicks and punches, is Free. And this is BEFORE Free beats up Ivan...
    It hardly makes Ivan innocent, and I hope that part can be straightened out, legally.

    *Free used excessive force - that has never been denied by me. But: He IS and HAS been paying for it, in legal terms, both in jail time and in cash.
    Ivans friend - the instigator, should be charged, and this must be in the interest of the Ferrats as well, as this guys actions sparked the fight seen in the video. Ivan kicked and punched a guy who was downed(Free) and should still take responsibilities for his actions.

    So, to try and sum it up:

    Free IS paying for HIS part.

    Ivan delivered minimum two kicks and one punch on Free while he was down on the floor.

    Ivans mysterious friend, aka "The Instigator", is where and doing what..? (Yes, serious question since I havent heard anything about him).

    Now, "Free Free propaganda"...? Are you serious? :D

    Regarding me having zero legal education: Have I ever claimed to have legal education..? ;)

    @Rodney King: First of all, I know pretty much nothing about this, except a short piece of video many years ago...

    Regardless: Comparing a bar fight with the Rodney King event..?

    Just seems out of proportion when compared, especially with the details you gave me earlier about Rodney King...

    You can have the last word if you want, but its quite clear that we wont agree on all of this. It has been interesting and I always appreciate a "good discussion", especially when its about things that I know of, first hand.

    Ps. Ill change my "Dont start stuff you cant finish", to "dont kick and punch someone when they are down". That goes out to BOTH Ivan and Free ;)
  9. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    @Princess015690: Im sure they can be found on Youtube.

    Do note that there should be several versions. One I saw had commentaries only when Free punched, but not when he was both kicked and punched by Ivan, laying on the floor.

    Then I saw another version that only focuses on Ivan being the bad guy, not even mentioning the other guy who pushes Free to the ground 3 times over...

    "It takes two to tango", so to speak.
  10. Princess015690

    Princess015690 Guru Registered Member

    May 28, 2010
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    the one I seen, I saw I believe Ivan pushing someone 3 times, and it goes out of the camera for like 30 secs, then you see someone running down the steps!
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