
Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by 4NSPY, Dec 10, 2009.

  1. freeFREE

    freeFREE Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jan 7, 2010
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    Hey everyone. Free got a bunch of court dates yesterday, all for April. Seems like this nightmare won't end anytime soon. Especially if the witnesses don't show up again. Last time all 4 of Ivan's witnesses had "medical excuses". I found one wiitnesses info all over the internet (phone, email, etc). Mildred Rubin. Looks like she has her own swimwear line and models in Cancun. I hope she sees the light.

    If you are in Cancun, check out the cover of Novedades. I hope this meeting helps.
  2. CancunCanuck

    CancunCanuck Guest

    +0 / 0
    Received an email this morning announcing an interview with Free on internet radio tonight if anyone is interested.


    Scroll down to the bottom left of this website to find their link for the online broadcasting. ("Escucha Mar de Fondo")
  3. freeFREE

    freeFREE Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jan 7, 2010
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    I missed it. Did anyone listen to the interview?
  4. Michael F.

    Michael F. Moderator/1st CC Member Registered Member

    Feb 17, 2003
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  5. astrolis

    astrolis Enthusiast Registered Member

    Dec 25, 2009
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    The saga of Free continues.The lawyers from each side discussing money that Free's family should pay to get him out of jail.I am outraged by this.Surely there is some sort of legal system in Mexico or even Cancun??apparently the Ferrats want loads of money and so does the insurance company that supposedly paid out to Ferrat.I dont believe any of this.I think this is a total scam.Even if they get the money what guarantee is there that they will let Free out of jail.Surely it is the judge who decides not some holigan who instigated a bar brawl.You can tell I am angry.I cannot make sense of the way things work in Mexico.
  6. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    You are NOT alone when it comes to this, trust me.

    I heard something about the "opportunity for Free to travel back home", but I would suspect there has to be a WHOLE lot of cash involved.

    This sh*t got out of hand as soon as it started - lets just hope it ends well for Free and his family.

    Mexico has a GREAT chance to step up, but they are not taking it... Foolishly enough.
  7. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    +6 / 0
    The sort of legal system here is not so different, in many respects, from that of other countries: in the U.S., for example, if a person were convicted of an assault leading to injuries, they would be directed to pay the medical expenses of that person as part of the judgment in the case. If an insurance company had paid the expenses, the person convicted would be ordered to direct those payments to the company involved.

    I've said before that I thought there were only two possible outcomes favorable to the defendant- acquittal following trial; or, a settlement which takes into account reimbursement for medical expenses incurred by the complainant.

    If there were a trial, the judge would probably watch the videos that have been presented here. He would see what I've seen- the defendant is shoved down; he gets up and begins to move away, and is shoved down a second time; he gets up, and is shoved down a third time. The action then takes place off camera. After a short time, the defendant emerges, on camera again, appearing unharmed. He makes a leisurely exit, taking the escalator down. The complainant is later removed by ambulance, and is found by attending physicians at Galenia Hospital to have sustained six separate fractures of the skull: in the hospital, he is put on a respirator, and the medical expenses soar to around 500,000 pesos.

    As in any trial, it may be found that this scenario is not representative of what happened; but, the existence of the tapes, and the severity of the injuries sustained by the complainant place a burden on the defense that may be insurmountable, making a settlement through payment of the complainant's medical expenses a practical alternative for the defendant, if available.
  8. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    V: The astonishing thing with this case (except the witness reports that magically disappeared, and the kidnapping of both Free`s mother and lawyer..) is that the instigator is still walking the streets, even though its quite clear that he pushed Free 3 times over.

    I know Sweden is a completely different country with a completely different justice system, but in Sweden, being the instigator will get you jailed - you are responsible for starting the entire thing, and not only once but 3 times over.

    In Sweden we also punish the aggressor for his/hers/theirs intent.

    This guy was both unlucky and stupid since he obviously got himself into a situation he couldn't handle.

    Lets not forget that the aggressor and his companions outnumbered Free and his friend...

    Now, Im NOT saying I agree with beating him senseless, but its not exactly like he is a "by-passer" who got attacked.

    If it was me, I would certainly make sure the aggressor couldn't get up to continue to attack me.

    Edit: One interesting example from back home:

    A man who owns a jewelery-store got robbed. He managed to catch and "spank" one of the three criminals.

    He had to pay for the medicals of this guy, but the guy who was beaten went to jail for the robbery(intent, planning and performing) along with his 2 companions.

    This case its just Free who is incarcerated - not the aggressor and instigator... Smells funky to me...

    Regardless of his injuries, he HAS TO be held responsible for creating this whole mess by showing Free.

    Extreme example: Japan didnt get "off the hook" simply because they lost in WW2, right? They started something but got hit back WAY harder, plus had to and are still paying for their actions...
  9. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    +6 / 0
    There certainly have been some bizarre elements to this case, Rawkus, but most of them have been outside the courthouse, rather than in it.

    Difficult to know whether the kidnappers were somehow in the employ of the accuser and those associated with him, or were freelancers, trying to take advantage of some foreigners with money. As to the abduction of the defense lawyer, few people I've talked to found that credible, though I thought it could have occurred just as the lawyer said it did.

    But, none of these things get to the merits of the case, and what the judge will be looking at, should the case come to trial.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2010
  10. Life_N_Cancun

    Life_N_Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0
    *The following are MY opinions, not those of or it's operators. *

    Two things for sure;

    1. This is doing nothing to help Cancun's Tourism industry.

    2. If it were purely Mexicans involved it would have been sorted by now, with the more influential of the parties winning the day.

    I don't know any of the parties involved, based purely one what I've read;

    'Ivan' seems to be a bit of a "playboy" who has little evidence to show any legitimate income. He has also had previous altercations and used his family's political influence more than once to get his way.

    'Free' appears to also be a bit of a "party animal" living here some parts of the year, although its unclear to me if he has income elsewhere or works in the area. Accusations of him being the sort "always looking for trouble" have been made, but thus far I haven't seen anything to collaborate that.

    In either case, regardless of 'Free's' demeanor, this can't justify the situation, given the clear video evidence that shows the other party instigating the altercation, and 'Free's' obvious lack of malice after the fact. (Apparently breaking off the altercation as soon as he was able, and leaving, rather than menacing or harassing the other party.)

    It seems clear to me that there are forces "behind the scenes" at play here, likely involving pressure and/or threats on the Judiciary in one form or another to find against 'Free', resulting in his continued incarceration. The extracurricular events such as the attempted kidnapping of 'Free's' mother, and alleged kidnapping of his attorney, seem to confirm the suggestions that the family, associates, and friends of 'Ivan' are likely involved with the more illicit elements in the area.

    I sincerely hope that someone at a higher level of government will step in to hasten an end to this fiasco sooner rather than later.
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