Karen’s DRAMA-FREE “Miss Temptation April” Sexy Photo Countdown!

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by matchandahalf, May 9, 2012.

  1. reddog68

    reddog68 Guru Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    Karen while she has gained alot of votes in the last hr please don't hang you head. Your better then that and the final votes are yet to come. Just keeps making me wonder how she gets so many. But all in all the resort will reliaze that most your votes came from CCC members and friends and family of CCC, which goes to show how much influence CCC has on the resort and there contest. Many people would have not gone to Temptations if they hadn't found this site and made friends. They also got all their questions answered about the resort here to be able to make a decision to go there or not.
    As it winds down your a hell of a sport and you made this contest fun and popular again. Just hope it goes your way so all the negative stuff about it goes away once and for all. I would love to see this contest continue not only for the resort but also for the CCC members that may have a chance to compete for their month they are there.

    Remember the votes aren't final. So a lead can always turn into defeat. How sweet would it be, if even being behind at midnight, you end up winning it in the end.
  2. Big74Mac

    Big74Mac Regular Registered Member

    Jan 25, 2012
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    I just put in #588 :)
  3. Big74Mac

    Big74Mac Regular Registered Member

    Jan 25, 2012
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    +59 / 0
    and now 589 :)
  4. matchandahalf

    matchandahalf Guest

    +0 / 0
    Thank you, Big74Mac! xo
  5. matchandahalf

    matchandahalf Guest

    +0 / 0
    Truly the last nighty-night update: 589 - 633

    Well, I guess I can't count, because the resort has now posted a message that there is a half day of voting left, to 12:00 p.m. Monday. It started at 1:30 p.m. on a Wednesday. Apparently I was having so much fun :rolleyes: I lost a day in there somewhere. The 12-day countdown on the site finished at midnite Cancun time though, so it was no in sync with the way the resort is actually counting the days.

    Will this contest NEVER end???

    I had a great day today, and had a lot of last-ditch support from friends both on and off CCC, and friends of friends.

    However, Valentina had a much better day than me. After adding only 4 votes between 5 pm Saturday and 2 pm Sunday, she then added 145 votes between 2 pm and 10 pm today. If those are all legitimate votes, I give her full credit: it means she simply had more support than me and she deserves to win.

    I'm okay with that. All you can do is try your hardest, and if that's not good enough to win, then at least you won't have any regrets.

    I am out of ideas to generate new votes, so I will just coast until noon Cancun time tomorrow and let the chips fall where they may.

    Feel free to keep voting, folks, but I think that anyone here that wanted to help has already done so.

    Goodnight Cancuncare. :)
  6. texantrainer

    texantrainer Regular Registered Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    From Texas, now stationed at Ft. Jackson, SC for t
    +0 / 0

    Now Karen, trying to be realistic we all know the last place contestant with approx. 12 votes will win because only 2 of her 12 are "false votes" (whatever in the hell that is).....lol......just trying to give you some humor !!!....I hope !!!

    You have absolutely campaigned as hard a Ron Paul here in the States, keep your head up !!
  7. gowick

    gowick Addict Registered Member

    Aug 30, 2009
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    well my son just woke up sick...

    its 1:40 central time, and somehow the vote is now:

    639 valentina,
    589 karen

    this is crap.....
  8. reddog68

    reddog68 Guru Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    well I know I keep saying this but Karen you did all you could. What is funny is that alot of your votes came from people who has been to TTR and are repeaters. Valentina's votes most likely just came from friends and people who never been to TTR nor will ever go there. I still have a hard time to understand how someone who just has a facebook page and didn't really promote the resort except for the contest could get so many votes all at once and usually only when she was behind to always take the lead no matter how many votes she needed. You have been everywhere on here for the past year talking up this resort and also on facebook promoting the contest and your also a repeater and will be going back again like many of us from CCC do. Sometimes things just aren't fair but it all works out in the end. Guess that is why sometimes contest seem to lose alot of people's interest But you have brought that interest back into the contest. Everyone worked so hard getting legit votes out there, and then you see someone get 145 votes in just a few hours( not saying they are not legit), but in this case I hope Valentina loses alot more votes then you that are deemed false. You didn't have the privilage of being in a big city as her in which there are many ways of getting votes but you made this a contest. Could you imagine if you win and how many of us will be trying to make it back in January to cheer you on what kind of a wild time that would be. Anybody new to TTR during that week that doesn't know that the finals are that week would be hooked on TTR and would also be repeaters, as the people on here always seem find the newbies to TTR at the resort and show them what the resort is all about. Either way you have met and talked to so many great people, some new to TTR and some that are repeaters, that you will someday get to meet. But again the vote's aren't final till Tuesday so there is always hope. If your not the one chosen to represent April in January then all I can say is that you got robbed. If you do win I do plan on booking my trip for that week and I hope many others on here will also. If not, then maybe I will be looking at going to Disneyland instead....lol

    You will always be OUR Miss April no matter what.
    Last edited: May 21, 2012
  9. bigsexy&misssexy2012

    bigsexy&misssexy2012 Shot Opus & Toga Fan Registered Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    central ohio
    +120 / 0
    The current count disgusts me, but reddog is right, you are OUR miss Temptation, regardless of the outcome of this "hanging chad" election. I'm my opinion you have already won the popular vote.....
  10. sithsister

    sithsister Regular Registered Member

    Oct 29, 2008
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    Casper, Wyoming
    +27 / 0
    Now they are saying voting closes today 12pm Cancun time. Still time to cast some votes!
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