Karen’s DRAMA-FREE “Miss Temptation April” Sexy Photo Countdown!

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by matchandahalf, May 9, 2012.

  1. Docnnurse

    Docnnurse Addict Registered Member

    Nov 13, 2010
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    Midwestern USA
    +36 / 0

    Just used another email you have another vote from us we were I believe 558! Good luck! We were at TTR for the finals in January it was a last minute trip not planned but I must say most of the finalists had no personality you deserve this and would make a great finalist!
  2. matchandahalf

    matchandahalf Guest

    +0 / 0
    559 - 522

    Thank you, John and Tina! I am totally freaking out here, as Valentina is adding another vote every couple of minutes, and there are still 4.5 hours to go in a contest that should have ended 6 hours ago Cancun time. :icon_frown::icon_frown::icon_frown:
  3. matchandahalf

    matchandahalf Guest

    +0 / 0
    564 - 559

    Totally and completely deflated.

    Valentina has added about 50 votes in 45 minutes. I can't fight this kind of run off. She will have passed me in another 2 minutes at this rate.

    How does she add 80 votes in less than 5 hours, the vast majority in the last 1.5 hours???

    She didn't start this run until the contest had already completed the 24th hour of the 12th day. All of this run has been done in overtime.

    How is this FAIR that one contestant can win the contest by posting 85 votes in the 5 hours after the contest should have CLOSED???? As far as I recall, the voting has always ended in the afternoon, presumably because it starts in the afternoon.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 20, 2012
  4. reddog68

    reddog68 Guru Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    Karen, don't give you yet. As you know the last couple months the one who had the most votes when voting was done didn't win so there is hope. You gave it your all and even though it is discouraging to see so many votes posted for her in such a short time just goes to tell me that many will be false votes. You know most of your will be legitimate and with her getting so many votes usually in bunches something isn't right. Something seems fishy about this but lets just wait till the final count and see what the outcome is. Many of her votes may come up as votes received from spam or something like that. You been at it for 12 days now and only a few hours left till it closes so just keep at it you'll be victorious in the end, I am sure of it. If you don't win it then I will have to honestly say the best person who tried to follow the rules and promote the contest honestly didn't win. Not saying she is not playing by the rules also but so many votes so many times at once just tells me something isn't right. I hope this isn't something that will tarnish the contest since it is something that gets everyone involved and shows that we at CCC support our fellow CCC family.

    Hang in there and let things fall as they may. Things always work out in the end. As for the contest ending when it should have, that is something I think that the contest webmaster needs to put on the site telling people when the voting would end. They say it ends on Sunday and Sunday is till midnight so that is what they will use to defend themselves.
  5. gowick

    gowick Addict Registered Member

    Aug 30, 2009
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    +38 / 0
    Just gave ya two more Karen....

    Heres my question..do we know if this other girl is even real?
  6. Luscious Lisa

    Luscious Lisa Regular Registered Member

    Apr 14, 2012
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    +35 / 0
    Just used another email addy and Voted again!
  7. Just Jeff

    Just Jeff Guru Registered Member

    Apr 4, 2003
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    Near St. Louis Mo.
    +38 / 0
    I just checked, at 9:22 CST, you are at 582 and she is 576....keeping my fingers crossed!

  8. matchandahalf

    matchandahalf Guest

    +0 / 0
    Thank you, darlin'. I consider those votes of confidence, and they are much appreciated.

    She has a FB account, and works in a restaurant in New York with 2 kids. I linked to her FB account thru her FB "event" page. She sure looks real. Just her vote-gathering skills are unreal ;)

    A number of the April CCCr's must have seen her win her week at the resort.
  9. matchandahalf

    matchandahalf Guest

    +0 / 0

    More hugs going out to Memphis! xo
  10. matchandahalf

    matchandahalf Guest

    +0 / 0
    I thought it was interesting that her rapid vote-adding slowed right down the moment she got 5 votes up on me.

    Thanks for your continuing support, Jill. :)
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