Karen’s DRAMA-FREE “Miss Temptation April” Sexy Photo Countdown!

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by matchandahalf, May 9, 2012.

  1. matchandahalf

    matchandahalf Guest

    +0 / 0
    Thank you, Crystella! I still have a couple friends voting this morning, right around when you voted. Just when I think I can't possibly wring another vote from people, one or two more pop up LOL!
  2. reddog68

    reddog68 Guru Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2009
    Likes Received:
    +28 / 0
    As we all know the whole point of Miss Temptation is too find that person who represents what the hotel really stands for. They want someone who will go out get involved in the activities, socialize with people no matter who they are, always be happy, and get others involved in the different contest the resort has during the day. You notice a big difference when CCC people are there in a large group since we all talk to everyone and try to get them to join us if they want even if they aren't on the site. More often times then not they usually go home and join up to meet up with their new found friends. As in May we meet up with people who were their first times there and they thought the CCC was the greatest idea and now they plan on going again. Many said that even though everyone was so friendly they would have never meet so many of us if it weren't for one of our group talking to them and then introducing them to everyone else. And there are those people who kind of didn't care for the resort when they first got there because of some issues, but once we embraced them in our group they now how a new outlook on Temptations.

    This is why you, Karen, would be a great representation for April to go back in January since you would be that one person who would do what someone that is suppose to do for the contest. Get everyone involved and feel welcomed to Temptation. Someone who would who would live up to the motto "No one knows you and No one gives a shit". So here is to the last couple hrs of voting and bringing you to victory. I know there is a few votes out there left and hopefully you will get some more since even though you have a lead it doesn't mean much in the end since votes will be taken away and we that have followed this contest in the past know that. I have faith that most of your votes are legit and you will be the winner. If you don't win, I really won't be able to understand how your not.

    I would be curious to know on what they call false votes, but I am sure we will never know.

    No matter what Karen, you are our winner in our eyes no matter what. I have never seen anyone fight the fight as you have and I applaud you for it.

  3. matchandahalf

    matchandahalf Guest

    +0 / 0
    543 - 489

    Thank you, Rob. I could not have done this without you. Rob has been running around his town since he got home from TTR 5 days ago putting the screws to everyone he knows to vote. I'm sure he's rounded up at more than 50 votes for me. AND he's kept me going when I've wanted to quit.

    I'm guessing there's one hour of voting left. Not too late to dash over to www.misstemptation.com and post a vote if you haven't done so already. As Rob says, Valentina and I will both almost certainly have votes removed, so it is conceivable that she will emerge the winner despite my 54-vote lead. Some months hundreds of votes are deducted, so please don't conclude that your vote won't matter :).
  4. fbjr1

    fbjr1 I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Dec 29, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Phx AZ
    +35 / 0
    Squeezed in #547. :aktion033::aktion033:

    Good luck and no matter what happens your a winner. :aktion069:
  5. matchandahalf

    matchandahalf Guest

    +0 / 0
    547 - 389

    Atta boy, Frank! xoxo Yours just might be the very last vote I ever post in this contest. I am really hoping it is shutting down any minute now...
  6. matchandahalf

    matchandahalf Guest

    +0 / 0
    Hmmm...it's occurred to me that voting might go on til 10 tonight (oh PLEASE NO), as that is the time when the countdown has been switching over to the next day. But that would make the contest actually 12 1/2 days, given that voting opened in the early afternoon. Would be nice if the resort would tell us :confused:.
  7. reddog68

    reddog68 Guru Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    +28 / 0
    Karen you need to take all the credit. You are the one who has gotten everyone involved including myself. I know you are a truly genuine great person with the right attitude to be Miss April and surely Miss Temptation for 2012. Your the one who urged us to get friends and family to go vote. By doing so, from the comments I have received from friends who went to vote, you have gotten a few people who never looked at going to Temptations for vacation to consider it. Had a couple friends who after voting went to the Temptations website and commented on how this resort just might be their next vacation spot. I have always gave rave reviews to my friends about it and this contest has gotten them to research the resort even more. They now know why I go there so often.
    SO while everyone here deserves a kudos for getting the vote out, you are the one who was persistent and keep posting for more votes. And by everyone asking friends, family and facebook friends to vote, your the one who got more people to look at the resort as their next possible vacation spot. That is what being Miss Temptations is all about.
  8. matchandahalf

    matchandahalf Guest

    +0 / 0
    Ack! Looks like we might to to 10 pm! 547 - 497

    Argh! The clock has passed the start time for the contest 12 days ago and voting is still open, so I have to conclude it is going to run til I midnight Cancun time. DAMN. This is NOT what I thought would happen at all.

    Valentina has put on 10 votes in the last single hour, people...looks like I am not done fighting her off.

    If anyone is still watching this thread, I need a final boost from you all, as apparently we are going thru to midnight Cancun time. Clock on the contest page says 4:43 pm, so there's still about 7 long hours to go! :icon_cry: Ohhhh....I SO much wanted to be DONE this afternoon!

    How about another photo? ;) Will that get you voting again? Here's Omar and I on the April 19 Boobs Cruise...I believe taken by Steve...

  9. matchandahalf

    matchandahalf Guest

    +0 / 0
    555 - 506

    Valentina has added 17 votes in 2 hours. Looks like she's on a last-ditch rampage, as I expected. I thought I dodged that bullet because the contest should have closed by 2 pm. Not to be. Resort wants me back in the trenches for another 6 hours, apparently. :( :( :(

    I'm going to keep bumping this thread up every hour til midnite Cancun time. Those of you who have posted all the votes you have on your own accounts (thank you!), pretty please call a friend or family member to see if they are willing post a couple more for me. I've had a couple of Facebook friends post 5 votes in the last hour in response to my pathetic plea for OT help.

    Don't let Valentina comes back and take this from me in overtime, Cancuncare!!
  10. matchandahalf

    matchandahalf Guest

    +0 / 0
    557 - 511

    Here's the promised hourly bump. Valentina has posted 22 votes in the last 3 hours, 4 in the last 5 minutes.

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