I think these kind of incidents happen just because maybe the perv have succeeded once or twice before, therefore, if anyone gets caught in this kind of situation don't let the guy just walk away with it. Make sure we let the security know and make sure to get that guy kicked out of the resort!! :ranting1:
It happened to me first I walked into the restroom came out of the women's restroom and there was a black male standing in the men's part of the restroom as I turned around washing my hands to throw the towel in the basket he grab my right and left arm and pulled I pulled back as hard as I could I said there is no fucking way that's going to happen and I walked away told my friends about it I did not reported to security because I've read whatwhat happens if somebody reports to security and whatnot Mexico I let it go but after hearing about this other lady a few days later and Her and I talking we decided that if it was some 21-year-old drunk girl she would've got raped so a lot of people there at the same time know who we are or Melissa and Patrick I'm the one was passin around the tequila this doesn't always happen but can be aware can please do note this mail was married his wife was not aware of what was going on and no woman should go to the bathroom by herself ever at night if you're at the club Weatherbee a Temptation or anywhere sorry for any spelling errors my phone does it for me it's special. And for the record I'm not blaming TtrI love that place and so do all of our friends and we will go back next year it's just a warning for anybody who walks around by themselves or without a friend with and 2 foot of them and what could happen so let's not make a fight over this the guy got thrown out and I saw his wife the airport without him it was just a shitty incident that people should report on here again nobody's fault but my ownand it will never happen again but I really hope to meet him here in the United States
I would not say this is your fault, just because you went to the restroom. Every one of these were the fault of some creeper who needed to be thrown out and more.
I would have to buy the guy a drink...... and lace it with a bottle of visine and let him enjoy not being able to get off of the toilet or at least more than 6 feet away from one for the rest of his trip..... Visine causes massive IBS... No in really I'm ex military police so I'd have to take care of business like Mike Tyson Mexican jail be damned he's going down
My bf and I just got back from TTR yesterday. This was our second trip and we had several incidents with regard to creepers. By no means do I think all single men at TTR are creeps (we've met some awesome single dudes with whom we keep in touch!) but every incident this trip involved a single male who was there with his buddies (I use the term "single" as in he was not there with a wife or girlfriend, but there with only male friends--he could've left the wife at home for all we knew). I had one guy grab my ass and then try to fight our friends when we VERY POLITELY asked him to not touch any of the ladies, saw two separate guys taking video at paty'Os, three separate guys taking photos and video of friends at the sexy pool, and another guy who grabbed my friend's ass in the sexy pool. All of these were completely unprovoked and, for the record, I was not on the "lookout" for creepers--our friends were the ones who called out many of these things. Again, I don't mean to stereotype here, but there were way more groups of single guys than a "typical" week at the resort and all of the problems stemmed from them. Fortunately, I alerted security each time something happened and they took care of things promptly. I never felt unsafe, just totally skeeved out. Just wanted to warn anyone heading to TTR within the coming days/weeks to be aware...I felt so creeped out that I didn't even wear half my lingerie/theme night attire :/