Just a thought: "Being treated like a dog"

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by Jim in Cancun, Apr 22, 2009.

  1. Jim in Cancun

    Jim in Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0
    This article http://www.poresto.net/quintana-roo/policia/31234-hienas-masacraban-a-golpes-a-su-hijo- is reproduced below in Spanish but if you click on the link (here is a direct link to the photo: http://www.dqr.com.mx/images/stories/2009/abril/22_abr/maltrato-menores-cancun.jpg )you will see the back of a young 3-year-old boy and without a translation you can probably see Spanish words below like "masacraban, torturaban brutalmente al infante, bestiales marcas,"etc. which mention the beating with a belt that the youngster received from his parents on his hands, legs, face and back.

    Now, that is what I call being treated like a dog. But this happens every day here to women and children who are at least as unprotected if not more so than Camila.

    1.- If you try something like that with a human being you can get into all kinds of legal problems with the "owners."
    2.- The people who beat, rape and abuse women and children have more rights than Camila's former owner.
    3.- Then where to you put the poor "dog" removed from the situation? Another big problem.
    4.- And adoption?? Just doesn't happen. My guess is that Camila has a better chance.
    5.- The valid concern is how much time, love and concern will it take for Camila to recover her ability to trust and love. And the child?

    This is most certainly not to diminish in any way the work done on behalf of Camila.Most of you know how much time, effort, emotion and planning it took to rescue Camila from her inhumane treatment and get her out of her old home and hopefully into a new loving one soon. That effort, time emotion and planning is to be congratulated but...............it is not the only worthwhile cause in Cancun. Unfortunately there is more than just one cause to work on at the same time.

    Congratulations to those who worked to save Camila and who work on a daily basis to fight for the rights of those who have no voice. I also support that activity and effort. And besides the marches, there is the daily ongoing work of caring for, spaying, treating and lobbying for the humane treatment of animals. Let's keep that up!!

    Now this new case just makes me more interested in working even harder for the humane treatment of humans.

    Hienas masacraban a golpes a su hijo

    * Para desahogarse de sus múltiples problemas, la acapulqueña Genny Salmerón Díaz, de 30 años, y el defeño Gerardo Dávila Contreras, de 35 años, torturaban brutalmente al infante en el número 1, de la manzana 58, en la Región 248 * Tenía bestiales marcas de cinturón en la espalda, manos, brazos, piernas, cara y un moretón en el ojo derecho

    Por Rafael L. Saavedra

    Elementos de la Policía Preventiva detuvieron a un matrimonio la madrugada de este martes, por haber agredido severamente a su pequeño hijo de tan solo 3 años de edad. Los hechos se registraron en la Región 248, manzana 58, lote 1.
    Fue alrededor de las 03:40 horas cuando los uniformados se trasladaron a la dirección ya mencionada, para atender un reporte de alteración del orden público.
    Al llegar al domicilio se entrevistaron con una mujer de nombre Genny Salmerón Díaz, de 30 años de edad, originaria de Acapulco, de ocupación recepcionista, quien les pidió que se retiraran porque sólo había tenido una discusión con su pareja de nombre Gerardo Dávila Contreras, de 35 años de edad, originario del Distrito Federal.
    Sin embargo, este sujeto les comentó a los oficiales que él había sido la persona que había pedido el auxilio, ya que su esposa había golpeado a su menor hijo de 3 años de edad.
    Ante esto, la mujer respondió que entre los dos habían agredido a su hijo, porque habían discutido fuertemente.
    De esta manera, los uniformados procedieron a revisar al menor y le encontraron marcas de cinturón en la espalda, las palmas de las manos, en ambas piernas, en la cara lado derecho tenía una excoriación y un moretón en el ojo derecho.
    Debido a esta situación, los efectivos preventivos detuvieron a la pareja y la trasladaron a las instalaciones de Seguridad Pública, y posteriormente fue puesta a disposición del Ministerio Público.
  2. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    Cancun, Q Roo.
    +0 / 0
    Jim: Holy cr*p :(

    Mexico has a looooong way to go regarding rights for any living being.

    The scary thing is that in many cases, these two events(Camila and beating kids and women) are related in such that it usually starts at a young age with animals. Kids who do this to animals as a start, will have NO idea that what they are doing is wrong, since there basically are NO LAWS whatsoever when it comes to animal abuse. The problems become even clearer and greater once humans become the target :(

    Respect towards all living things, regardless if it has two or four legs, has to be implemented at a young age.

    Basic values just seem so absent...
  3. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    I've had several people here give me grief for "caring more about animals than people" and this criticism points to something really sad in the culture here I think. It points to the fact that people here perceive that we have to chose between fighting to make sure people are treated properly and fighting to be sure animals are treated properly. The reality is that both are linked.

    And, in my opinion, the abuse of people and animals is also linked to the abuse of the planet. Many people grow up seeing people litter, seeing them pave everything in sight and fell every tree, seeing them beat dogs, seeing dad smack mom, so these things all become "normal."

    It's terrible that Mexico can't enforce the good laws it does have to protect people and the earth from abuse. And it's too bad that Mexico hasn't yet even passed laws to protect animals from abuse. But Mexico is a country where laws do not get enforced with any kind of logical regularity, so having laws on the books is only part 1 of the challenge.

    Once Mexico can be expected to enforce it's own laws the people here will begin to follow them. But the culture needs to change for this to happen. People need to stop raising their children to expect impunity, to expect to be able to bribe their way out of things.

    Once there's respect for the law then the support systems that are needed to start PREVENTING violence against people, and animals will be able to work. So long as there's impunity at every turn the agencies trying to support victims and prevent violence are working with one hand tied behind their backs, imho.
  4. Jim in Cancun

    Jim in Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0
    One of these days I am sure I will find something we disagree on, RG but today is not the day--so far anyway :lol:

    I agree that there are lots of laws on the books all over the world that are not respected or enforced...And Mexico is a good example of one of them. And no one has to choose between eating fruits or vegetables or proteins. They are all necessary to the organism. The same with human, animal, civil and global rights AND RESPONSIBILITIES...they are all necessary to the planet. There is often too much emphasis on rights and not enough on responsibilities related to each of those rights.

    If you don't grow up being taught or learning how to respect yourself and those around you--animal, vegetable and mineral--you will not respect yourself or those around you when you are older.

    I am not sure what laws do to help teach or learn respect. One thing is what is legal and the other is what is ethical--and that is a subjective word. Teaching and/or learning to respect and not to beat people or other living things is learned, not legislated...And so are not respecting and mistreating.
    I remember one of the famous posters from the anti-war (Vietnam)era: "War is not healthy for children and other living things." (he says stepping down off of his soap box)
  5. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    Before living in Mexico I would have said that people need to teach their children proper values and that laws were secondary to instilling values. But now, after living in Mexico I think you need both, you need values taught at home and you need laws that promote those same (or similar) value systems. And if you don't get the values taught at home, but you have the laws in place, and enforced, then you stand a chance of having the value systems permeate the culture anyway. Just my humble opinion.
  6. Jim in Cancun

    Jim in Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0
    Oh, believe me I believe in both laws AND their enforcement. They will--as always--treat the symptoms of the disease as chemotherapy might treat lung cancer when the solution is not to smoke. (Just an example folks.)
  7. Susan in Cancun

    Susan in Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0


    As the story of Camila was unfolding, I wondered if abused humans had any laws in place to protect/help them. Now I know. This makes me very sad.
  8. Jim in Cancun

    Jim in Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0
    Below in Spanish. The heartbreak continues. Parents in jail and little "ESD" in the DIF (can you say "dog pound?") and might be adopted. Yeh, right. Camila has a much better chance of that.

    Consignan a padres desnaturalizados
    Wednesday, April 22, 2009 - Por Darío Gabriel Alcocer E. QUEQUI QUINTANA ROO

    Por Darío Gabriel Alcocer E. QUEQUI QUINTANA ROO

    Consignados a un juez penal los dos progenitores que golpearon a su hijo de tres años y que lo dejaron con huellas visibles de la agresión, mientras que el agraviado quedó a disposición del DIF municipal.
    El agente del Ministerio Público del fuero común halló elementos suficientes para consignar el expediente la mañana de ayer, por maltrato de menores y lo que resulte, ante un juez penal en contra de Gerardo Dávila Contreras, de 35 años, y su pareja Geny Salmerón Díaz, de 30, originaria de Acapulco, Guerrero.
    En tanto que su menor hijo, E.S.D., de apenas tres años y ocho meses de edad fue trasladado a las instalaciones del DIF municipal para resguardar su integridad en tanto se resuelve la situación jurídica tanto la de sus padres como la de él.

    Podría ser
    dado en adopción
    Sin comprender el drama que le rodea el pequeño, llora por las lesiones sufridas a manos de sus progenitores como por la ausencia, en especial, de su madre.
    Fue el pasado martes a las 2:00 horas cuando los vecinos de la pareja escucharon los aterradores gritos de dolor del menor, quien fue brutalmente golpeado con un cinturón incluso en el rostro.
    De inmediato llamaron a la Policía de donde se envió una patrulla que al arribar al domicilio ubicado en la región 248, manzana 58, lote 1, sexta privada La Ceiba, su personal se percató de la tortura que sufría el menor.
    De entrada se entrevistaron con Gerardo Dávila Contreras, quien le aventó la culpa a su mujer y dijo a los uniformados que “ella golpeó al niño con un cinturón mientras permanecía en la cama”.
    Por aquello de las dudas los policías decidieron remitir a la pareja al departamento jurídico de la corporación de donde los pusieron a disposición del agente del Ministerio Público de donde fueron turnados ante un juez penal para que continúe con el proceso penal.
    En tanto, el menor se encuentra en el DIF municipal y en el caso muy probable de que sus progenitores se queden tras las rejas se verá a qué familiar cercano será entregado, ya que de lo contrario le esperaría el camino de la adopción.
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