I always get up early while Connie sleeps a little longer I would be happy to put out towels for anyone
Was wondering on the day of the Boobs Cruise and all day fun and hard drinking are they alot of participation in the theme night the evening after the cruise.
I can make it as long as I don't lay down or stop drinking!! This group usually does a good job of showing up!!
I can do it but im not so sure about teresa lol. Im sure that will be a challenging night but probably even mire fun
Ok I can say the June junkies Men are mustly dressing the part the time we have been there. Here one thing that we found, jeans and basic shorts do not belong at TTR just saying.
My husband barely made it back to the resort lol I guess I am going to have to limit his drinking on the boat this year We stayed at Golden Parnassus last summer and we had to get him back to the room in a wheelchair haha Hope he isn't mad at me for sharing that story lol
I think I have already read this story somewhere. Just tell him to pick a drink and stick with it. Beer, orange, or pink. (One is rum and the other vodka- can't remember which is which) Dawn
IIRC, Steve plans them out based on the monthly roll call, to get an idea on the number of CCCers. Reservations are open 30 days prior to the cruise. Tom