We are looking to go ahead and book in the next few days..we will most likely book for june 12th til june 18th.
Must be the same rapid moving storm that blew through the midwest last night and earlier today. The day started with a glaze of ice, covered by snow and almost blizzard conditions...at 24 degrees. Now it's sunny, almost 55 degrees and almost patio weather. Only in the midwest.
:flaguk: Wow, I thought it was only us Brits that constantly moaned about the weather! Guess we're all looking forward to some sunshine :icon_cool:
Yea, the brits do a damn good job of moaing about the weather as usually even our 'summers' are poor, but looks like we're getting off better than some of you folk in the states! 99 days for us until we land, it was my birthday yesturday and we had an 80's theme party as i was born 1987, it was such fun, and now we have all of our attire sorted for Neon Night! Killed two birds with one stone, i have a clever wife! This holiday can't come soon enough, we are psyched!
Hey all. Lots of familiar names in this thread. Got word we might make our 3rd June junkies TTR trip in 2014. Winter here has been hard. Think there will still be snow in June.