Hey all June junkies.! We hope to come but not sure we are gonna swing it for 2014. Babysitting arrangements are looking poor so far
We'll definitely be back for Trip #4. Looking like just a week this time (perhaps June 10-17) as we're looking at flying our son down and staying at a family resort for 5-6 more days.
Another day closer - even though there's a long way to go, we're so psyched! We're booking our flights next weekend, we booked the room couple of weeks ago. Used Alpharooms for the first time as they were cheaper than most. We're all on the 'Cancun Diet', make sure we're looking good and feeling energised for the next trip!!
We are not missing 2014...we have a lot of pent up (insert dirty thoughts/actions) that need to be satisfied...ROCK OUT WITH EVERYTHING OUT...not sure of dates yet...
Still learning this site,need to spent more time wtih the cc people we missed a lot of fun last year count us in for june
The withdrawels got so bad i had to book again last night! Teturning May29th - 12th June 2014! Flights booked and so is the room!! 277 days.... Lol!