Well June junkies We're booked oh so looking forward to our second trip this time we'll be on our own leaving Manchester 09:40 11th June - 25th June :lotsofmichaelfs: Dancegroup #1st 8th June ~ 22nd June 2013 #2nd 11th June~ 25th June 2014
We wil be there sometime in late June We are looking at June 20, 21, 22 ---27, 28, 29 2014 at either TTR or GOV. Depending on reviews from GOV. Our other trips to TTR July 6-13 2013 June 25 –July 2 2012 December 27 -30 2007
Our 3rd trip... Our 3rd trip... will be there 26 June to 3rd of JULY... time cant pass quick enough... Mark & Pattie
We have a question for you June Junkies. Has anyone ever upgraded on a room when ariving at TTR?? Paid for or Free?
I am curious about this too. We absolutely have to have a ground floor room. My husband has to wear a huge brace for his knee to be able to function half-way due to 15 + years of MMA fighting. I don't think he would make it up the stairs. Would it be difficult to get a ground floor room without an upgrade? This will be our first time at TTR (stayed at Golden Parnassus last year) so we are not familiar with the rooms.
We have upgraded to a Jaccuzzi Suite when we arrived but we negotiated the price before we got there by email. We paid $700.00 when we got there for the upgrade. That was a lot cheaper price per night than the price they were quoting when we booked the trip. That was also for 9 or 10 nights. If they have some ground floor rooms available when you get there for sure you would be able to get a ground floor room. I know Dawn probably has more info on this question so I will get with her about it.
If you use the express check in function available one week from your arrival date, you can request a ground floor room. You can also state your reason for needing it. I would hope that they would be accommodating!
I have a smiliar problem in terms of i'm waiting for spinal surgery, so cannot tolerate more than a few steps at a time, what we have done, is email the hotel this month, explaining our issues and requested we be placed on a ground - 1st floor level room, and also in close proximity to the other 3 people we are bringing with us. They replied stating they would do all they could to accomodate us, but i'm thinking the earlier you ask, the morel likey they are to allocate you a suitable room
Thanks for all of the helpful information I think he could manage, if he had to, with a second floor room. Ground floor would be best but we will make the best of it either way! I might have to give him a piggy back ride up the stairs haha Or maybe if he is drinking enough, he wouldn't feel the pain of climbing the stairs lol