Theme for the 20th cruise!!! Just an idea, but how about a flag theme? USA bikini/shorts, Mexican, Canadian... Etc... Support your country type theme. I was thinking about a Mexican fiesta with sombreros and mustaches but I thing the hats along with the pimp hats make it more difficult for packing. Just throwing ideas out!!! Angela
Ang, that's not bad, but I think I might have the perfect them day for the 20th cruise. No extra packing needed, no more money spent, no extra shopping required, and best of all, no thinking. I'm thinking sunscreen themed. Sun screen only. Nekkid Cruising.... I can see all the guys screaming at their computer screens as they read this. lol Gerry
Oh Gerry!!! You make me laugh! But you are correct!!! Everyone ends up Nekkid anyways!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk