Steve is out of pocket right now too dealing with some health issues in Texas so that puts a bit of slow down on progress since we cannot get his input/get a provisional post for a June 4th or 5th cruise.
From what I read we can charter our own and invite others to join. I don't know what the rate would be....
The logistics of that would probably be a nightmare. would probably require one person to be responsible for the cost as far as reserving it and then that person would have to collect from everyone else. If that is not the case and we could each pay without the risk of one person being stuck, I say we look into it
we have a group of aprox 15 peeps...we are good for the 7th..but could do 5th or 6th as well..... we are all part of a wedding on the 3rd xoxo
I am so excited for the Boobs Cruise got the girl talked into it and even went out and bought a 2 piece just in case she decides to go topless. its first trip and she is a little reserved but judging by everyone's comments she will loosen up really quick.