FloridaFun ~ We'll be there June 11th and 12th when you guys are. We know Saturday night's theme is "all that glitters". Let us know if you've decided on anything for Friday night and we will attempt to participate!
Oh so you leave Sunday then? Darn! We just had to change "all that glitters" to SUnday night as 2 of our couples dont arrive until late Sat night...and they are the reason all of us booked to begin with, so cant leave them out...I do have a few ideas for Fri or Sat night though...I want it to be easy (as in not bulky to pack and inexpensive so everyone doesnt have to majorly shop)...like lingerie night or see thru night, or a combo of the two...what do you think? any ideas?
LMAO........oh dear...............that's just wrong on so many levels. From some of the banter in here that may be the guys suit of the week this week. I am really surprised that it's taken over TTR this week.