I don't care if we do a group shot or individual with Chinos...makes no difference to us! Thanks for getting this organized! Let me know when you are 'collecting' :aktion033: ~Jill~
I think Dawn has worked really hard to drum up support and awareness of the raffle with her group, but we're a little late to the table, so to speak.
Thanks to everyone who made this cruise one to remember! It was by far the craziest that I (we) have ever been on!! ~Jill~ (and Jeff)
This was our first… and it was definitely out of control. HAHAHA… We had a blast! It was like the naked Harlem Shake…. All calm for a little while…… then BAM! BOOM! POW! Naked people shaking everywhere all over each other! HAHAHA
I learned a lot on this cruise...number one being that if you just ask a happy drunk person to hand you their bathing suit, they will! And if you tell 20 happy drunk people to give you their suits, even better! :aktion033:
Ha-ha! That is about the perfect way to describe it. Sorry I was naked all over you. Next time we will try and keep it PG. Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk