Change in Boobs Cruise Meet Up Arrangements From June 1st we will now be meeting for the Boobs Cruise directly at the Albatros Marina, adjacent to Temptation instead of the towel hut inside the resort. The meet up time of 10am is unchanged. For those staying at Temptation, head to the beach and turn left. Walk 200 yds down the beach and you'll arrive at the Marina. If you are not staying at Temptation, Albatros Marina can be accessed by road. There is a clearly marked entrance 200 yds past the hotel towards downtown.
Booked for the 15th of June! Super excited but not really sure what to expect. This is our first one. Looks like there's a few first timers on this cruise.
Thank you Sarah69, Omar and the rest of the crew for a great starter cruise last Friday!! Anyone on this morning’s cruise please cheers my good friends on their honeymoon!!! You’ll know who they are