6 more days...time to start seeing how many suit cases we are going to be dragging to TTR...we are so stoked about this trip...cant wait to see everyone!!! :lotsofmichaelfs:
Our packing is mostly done. Have to hit a couple of "specialty stores" for theme nights. Then good to go. See everyone Thursday!
Are you freaking kidding me???? Tom - 1 medium suitcase and a backpack Tab - 2 carry-ons, 1 large suitcase and a shoulder bag. Granted, one suitcase is for her shoes. But we also have a ton of stuff not coming home with us (i.e. pool toys for the Aitana kids).
Zip locked and vacuum sealed theme outfits by day and night. also, Cancun means we were as little as possible. June Junkies 2011, 2015, 2016!