Anyone having trouble with express checkin site? I have everything filled out, but the arrival and departure drop boxes won't allow me to enter a date. And of course it's a required field to submit.
Ang did it today with no problems. I see you are 15 days out which is the maybe a glitch where you need to just try again tomorrow??
We're 14 days out(yay!). I waited one extra day just in case. I think it may have more to do with my phone. Gonna try on the laptop tonight.
Trip #4!! Arriving 2 weeks from Monday. June 22 at 9:45am, so as long as the red light/ green light game goes well, we will be in the sexy pool by 10:45am. Probably talking to Tigre or Juancinto (best pool bartenders ever). From then until 2:30pm Sat Jun 27, we'll be in the sexy pool, Boobs Cruise or PatyOs. Orange wristbands, bubba mugs, JJ booty shorts "coverup", and a JJ shirt on the lounge chair. Come say hello. Can't wait!!
I tried it last year, and did not help at check in, they still did the same slow process at check in, and wanted me to go to the Lady who sells time share. I wish you better luck than me.
Same here. I got it on the laptop last night. Don't know yet if it will actually make a difference, but trying to do everything I can to get us to the pool/bar faster!
It's really not bad of a wait or never has been for us. We always arrive early. First 2 trips around 11ish this time should be around 10ish. Both times someone asked what we wanted to drink before got to the desk. Had a beer while checking in and they brought me another for our walk to room. Guess took 5-10 minutes if that. And the sales team are very nice just say no thank you. Or it can take a lot of time. Unless you want to. Relax have fun enjoy all of it. 10 minute check in is better than 10 minutes of work.
I know it's late but we coming June 10th-16th. Second time for us. Can't wait to meet all you crazy people.