Let kick it up a notch and get this party started. :bigband: We are so excited and counting the days until we leave. (10 days) Wayne and I are hanging out at the pool and going shopping this weekend. We are STOKED! See Yall soon! :flash: Jeanie
Reading your post just got me SOOOOO AMPED!!!! Got a feeling the June Crew is gonna be GREAT!!!! :lotsofmichaelf: :bigband: :flash: :cheerleaders:
We will be arriving on the 19th and can't wait!!! We will have large mugs, I believe one green and one blue. I may have to get creative and write something on them! We look forward to meeting you.
Question - Are you drinking mixed frozen drinks out of these mugs you all are all talking about? If so I guess I should get some! Less then two weeks I am getting So excited!
I've never tried a frozen drink in one but am pretty sure it would work because it has a pretty big opening. I got ours from Walmart. If you see mcajun's picture on page 4 of this thread you can see the type we have. Can't wait to get there! We're making our list and getting ready to start packing.