We actually DID get a thong check on the booze cruise, but I don't think that the girls will allow me to release the pic. Marsh
Why not? I'll give my permission...I don't think it shows our faces anyway...LOL We mss you guys! Talina
Marsh.... Must I beg you not to release ANY thong pics..... NOT that I am in any, but I would HATE for OTHERS, not ME of course, to be totally HUMILIATED because their judgement was severely impaired due to high levels of intoxication. Just IGNORE Talina's previous reply to show the pics and all will be happy!!! Holly
No fun.. no fun at all... Remember, the photos would be used strictly for educational purposes.. at least for us newbies with just 3 days to go ... we need to know exactly what happens when you mix LOTS of booze, with a cruise, and 10 well trained partying individuals... :bootyshake: