enjoyed the trip report thanks. You know isn't great that you can just pay someone off and get what you want, or is that bad, oh well at least you got what you wanted. And the hamburgers, my wife and I were talking about those the other night and how much we miss them. Can't wait till our return 2 more weeks yes.
Thanks guys, that was very sweet of y'all & I'll be sure to tell Victoria. We've been talking every night since I got back to camp & the majority of the time its about our trip & everyone we met there. I was there once before & knew what to expect but she was completely blown away by all the fantastic people we met.Were talking up a trip in Dec on my next R&R which I can take every 4 mnths so that means 4mnths after Dec. is april so HELL YEAH we can do that! ! ! !
I just wanted to make sure that we got a room that we like so the extra $$ just ensured we did (especially since he said all they had were rooms with double beds overlooking the quiet pool). And you're right, the midnite burgers are the best. Hope you have a great time. Our April trip is a long way off... Ken and Joyce