Looks great to us and we can't wait! I'll have to say..we have never been so excited about a vacation as we are this one!
Tncouple-If this is your first time consider it the first of many. JeffnAlisa-hit my wife up on FB and let her know that Wednesday is Basic. I'm not explaining that one to her. I've heard good things about Roo in the past and would like to check it out. Never been there. If I can get Asian I certainly will. I won't be able to make reservations until Monday so we'll see if that's still available. If not we'll do the one that doesn't require reservations.
Just throwing this out there, what does everyone think about doing Glow on Saturday with Mens shirt night instead of on Friday? Since we will be out by the pool on Saturday, it seems like it would be fun to be glowing out there as well???
sounds good to me!!!!!! Im good with sticking with one great theme night so we can do whatever the other nights.......I still would love to do a day theme though too!!!!!
We won't be there for Saturday night but no biggie if you change glow night. We are in for a daytime theme - ours has either been rainbow day lol.
I was thinking Mardi Gras...lol....Last year we tried sports theme but it didnt really take off........rainbow day is cool.....Also I wanted to let everyone know that I am bringing cups so we can have beer pong and flip cup tournements!!!!!!!!! I hope everone will play with us!!!!:daveandmo: