YYYEEESSSSS!!!! It is finally here!!! See all you SEXIES at the pool later this afternoon!!! Heading your way later today!!! Look for our shirts over the next 10 days and cum say hi!!!
Well July is almost here..... I can confirm this by all the packages that showed up on our doorstep yesterday! Theme nights shouldn't be a problem!:aktion033:
We are under two weeks and it feels like someone hit the pause button on time. Wish time will go this slow at TTR when we get there!
Invitation!!!! Yay!! I just realized I will have a chair to lay my stuff on! It will be the chair with the PURPLE SHIRTS THAT SAY CALIFORNIA on them!!! Thanks Californiagirl!!---Candy
Hello! Hey Marielee1, is this your first trip? Our dates are almost the same--we are there 14th-18th and this is our second trip!! I will be the pale ginger with the cowgirl hat and Jason will be the one looking for some item he will have already lost! Stop and say hi!:aktion069:
Tomorrow we touch down at 10:00am and will hopefully be at the Sexy Pool by 11:30!! Cant wait to meet everyone!!