It expedites your check-in you don't have to fill out a bunch of info when you get there. It ensures your room and paperwork will be ready when you get there. You can go on the Temptations website 15 days (or less) before your check-in date and complete your info and itinerary. :icon_mrgreen:
Go to this link Cancun Adult Only All Inclusive, Adult Resort Cancun - Temptation Resorts And fill in your information. Its pretty simple you'll need to know your confirmation number and your flight info.
Thanks. Does it get you out of having to sit down with somebody at a desk when you first get there? That's one of the only downers at TTR, having to convince them you don't want to hear "the pitch".
Unfortunately, no. But we just tell them that we've heard it before and that we are not interested. Be firm. :bash:
That was the plan. Hopefully we still don't get the full court press. At some point we're going to want to vacation somewhere other than TTR. Don't know when that'll be but it's bound to happen. :wuerg011:
Ok bags are paid, the check in at the airlines is complete, we are ready, now, open, open, open ...... I hope you all will come by and say hi, look for our kandl shirts by the sexy pool....
Hello my friend, how are you ? I'm thinking to book almost at the same as you guys.... Anxious to see you again....first drink is on me :daveandmo: