Arghhh..No one is coming early in the month...everybody enjoys the 4th of july party. i mean last year we witnessed a brawl between a bunch of people from the UK... This one was over the IRA...Us Americans politely ran like little kids before the throwing of chairs began who doesnt enjoy those fireworks
Looking forward to meeting you guys, we'll help you show the young uns how to party lol. We need another theme night between July 25th and the 28th lol
Strength in numbers. We can all bring some, so maybe they will just get tired of taking it from us! Gotta save some for steve's cruise on the 29th. Are you going? See you on the 26th!:flash:
The snorkeling is great on Steve's cruise. It's even rumored that there might be some diving going on as well, but that tends to take place on the boat, haha. :icon_mrgreen: