I've just updated the roll call, you can see who's there when in the first page of this thread or by clicking the link below: http://www.cancuncare.com/forum/temptation-resort-cancun/15796-july-2010-temptation-roll-call.html Also a provisional booze cruise date has been announced for July 8th. If you wish to come along please see this thread and add your names: http://www.cancuncare.com/forum/tem...cuncare-boobs-cruise-thurs-july-8th-prov.html
booking today for July 14-19. My 3rd trip (one with ex, one solo, and this one with a buddy from work) I'll probably be going back this winter too.
Hey guys I am trying to get a booze cruise for July 3rd if anyone wants to join lat me know. We have 8 people wanting to go already!!!!
Me and my hubby will be arriving at Temptation Cabo July 3 and leaving July 6. I can't wait!!! Never been to Cabo or Temptation. I'll post a pic of us when I figure out how to do it! :fish:
Hey PPL! I usually go in May but, I had to push my trip back this year. Going 7/6-7/11! BOOOOOOO-YAHHHHHH!!!!!