Temptation Bound! Hi everyone, This is my first post but have been reading the forums for several days. I am so glad I found this site. After much deliberation, it was just what I needed to take the plunge and book at Temptations! From everything I have read on here, this is exactly that my husband and I need to spice things up! We are extremely dedicated to each other but after 16 years of marriage, things tend to get pretty routine. I am so excited!!! Anyway, we will be there July 23-29.
Almost There!!! We're on our way back...FINALLY! It's been 2 long years since we've been. Looking forward to seeing the changes and the OPEN bar :mnm: We're going to be there July 20-27. First drink is on us ;-)
Two female first timers arriving July 29. We are very excited and ready to party! Look forward to meeting you all!
Visit We are going to Temptation for our first visit on July 29th-August 7th. Let us know if you will also be there during our visit so we can meet ahead of our vacation.