The Damn airline was so rough with our bags that the Drinko game took a beating in the luggage and lost a few pegs. But, we'll make it work! See you all tonight. Drink Up!!
We're in 1308 and interested joining a crawl. What do we need to do? This is our last night July 19th so we want to enjoy all the fun. Ronald and Julie
Special Thanks to an Awesome Crew of Crawlers Hey there crawlers! First morning stateside, which means the party is officially over... ... BUT we made some memories that will definitely last through renovations! Chass and I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who joined this crawl and made it memorable! I know there's nothing like a "trophy" to show off one's accomplishments, so we would like to give a couple of special recognitions to our room crawlers: - The "Most Creative Game" award goes to Rich and Alicia for "Drunk Jenga"! - The "Best Sport" award goes to Janelle for her "Yes Master" time! - The "International Broadcaster's Association" award for "Best Eye Witness Reporting" goes to Rebecca and Big Blue - The "Please Mum, May I Have Another" award goes to Mike and Jen for their homemade Apple Pie shot (it literally tasted like apple pie) - The "Hard Going Down But Well Worth It" award goes to John and Debbie for their Cherry Moonshine (I think everyone who made it through the cherry appreciated the after-effects)! - The "Quickest to Get Naked" award goes to Chassidy! - The "Getting Naked Unnecessarily" award goes to Chassidy!! - The "Why Did You Take Off Your Pants For A Belly Button Shot" award goes to... you guessed it... Chassidy!!! (I'm sensing a theme here) Seriously, this room crawl would not have been nearly as much fun without each and every one of you guys... and we couldn't have imagined a better way to kick off our "Farewell Old TTR" tour than to hang out with this crew! By the way, if anyone has pics from the night, PM us for our email address... we'd love to relive the memories! - Quincy & Chassidy