John's Trip Report - Aug. 12 to 17

Discussion in 'Temptation Resort Reviews' started by Stacia_and_John, Sep 1, 2012.

  1. Stacia_and_John

    Stacia_and_John T&A Tour Guide Registered Member

    Mar 1, 2012
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    Houston, TX
    +4,620 / 14
    Okay, here we go for trip report number 2 for 2012, even though we were there in February as well as April and August. It’s only our 2d trip report I’ve done, because we didn’t even know the site (CCC) existed really until last April, and for some dumb-ass reason didn’t sign up until this year. Dumb-ass, I know.

    I’m warning you guys, this is going to be long, because I’m testing out my new voice recognition software while I’m doing it. I couldn’t think of a better test to put it to! So, I’m just sitting here at my desk talking this thing at the screen. Neat, actually. But, if you don’t like reading the longer TR’s, you might just wanna skip it, or read it like it was in chapters or something.

    Sunday, April 12 (Naughty Schoolgirl & Kilt night):

    Alarm Buzz. 4:50 AM. Yawn, stretch. Rollover, back to sleep.

    Alarm Buzz. 4:55 AM. Stacia slips out of the bed and into the bathroom to start her shower. A little bit later the damn alarm Buzz again.

    Yawn, stretch again. Sit up, turn off the alarm. Out of bed, attempting to join Stacia in the shower. Missed the opportunity, too slow. Morning ablutions, Yawn again. I hate getting up early in the morning anymore. Out of the bedroom, grabbing the two monstrous suitcases we needed for five days of barely any clothes. A few minutes later where off to the airport.

    Our airport routine has become so familiar. It’s nearly a ritual. Drive to Park and fly leave the car requesting it be washed the daily return. Get on the shuttle bus get dropped off terminal E. Inside, Premier Lane, premier access. Do the hold the breath thing about the weight of the luggage. Get through that experience almost painlessly, take a deep breath and face the security lines. No problem, actually this time. Right on through -- hot knife through butter. Into our extended legroom seats, which Stacia needs about as much as a third nipple, Scaramanga to the contrary. I, however, really enjoy not having my knees crushed by the person in front of me. Two hours of mindless wind noise later, touchdown in Cancun. Boo-Yah!

    Cancun’s airport, with the notable exception of the small place between where you get your luggage and walk outside, has really become a stellar example of convenience and efficiency. Well … with the very notable exception of that little spot between where you get your luggage and clear customs and immigration to the actual “outside” however, is a huge pain. If you been there before, you know what I’m talking about. Head up! Eyes front! No stopping for talking, no stopping for looking, no stopping for anything! A pair of NFL running backs hitting the whole from the Power I Formation, that’s us! Once outside, we look around for the familiar teal and white color-coordination of the Lomas Travel folks. Lomas has our private transport there, ready and waiting. Can I just say that being picked up by a guy with a Lincoln navigator is cool, it really is. It is definitely “cooler” than waiting in line baking with the Waco or Macon or Springfield (how many Springfields are there, anyway?) family with 8 children from age 3 to 13 headed off to some ultra-huge kid-friendly resort somewhere down there (*shudder*). Less than a half an hour later, pulling up at Temptation. Welcome homes abound, the guys grab our luggage and whisk it inside and out of sight.

    ** NOTE: This was our first trip to come to Temptation as Premier members. So, we were wondering how much different the experience would be. Starting off, as soon as they checked our name on the arrival list, we were already asked to go around to the Premier member desk, rather than the front desk. We were brought two drinks by the premier staff right away, and also asked if we needed anything special in the room, perhaps a different bottle of liquor, anything? I thought about my beloved Rumpleminz (chick on the bottle is Hot-Hot!) None of that had ever happened before. But, the same smiles, the same waves and friendly expressions were on everybody’s faces. It really is welcome home - every time, isn’t it. **

    Our TTR check-in was seamless. No issues at all. Our new be friends, the first-timers, Sharon and Ivan, had already checked in. We got their room number written down, then ran off to our room. 1107, Jacuzzi suite, which sounds much more impressive than the room actually is. Don’t get me wrong, the room is nice. But, I think on the website it’s touted as a Jacuzzi Suite. Jacuzzi it’s got, suite it’s not. LOL! Still, it definitely had pervey-potential. It is in a great location, however, right off the quiet pool. Only about half a building from the main lobby area. As soon as I went inside. I always walk through and go to the balcony. Everyone knows why we go to the balcony. It was going to be both inspiring, and a challenge, to get a balcony showed to go off on this balcony. Being on ground floor level – and without any sort of rail between you and the sidewalk right there by the quiet pool – balcony shows would be wide open, pun intended, for the viewing audience. Still, I’m up for the challenge! I say as much toStacia, who just rolled her eyes at me.

    I grab my trunks, flip-flops, sunglasses, and it’s out the door to the pool, asStacia in a micromini Wicked Weasel string back thong that it’s my misfortune to never have seen her wear before drags me forward. I mean, I kinda wanted to stay behind her, so I can admire the view, just sayin’… I CAN see that much.

    Another new experience. Walking towards the sexy pool bar, with our nifty new Premier member white wristbands on, we got stop before we got there by a server who asked us what we needed, of course, it might have been Stacia’s ass, but I doubt it, the crowd seemed to be full of the good party people. Looking at each other and grinning like a couple dumb kids, we placed orders and had the drinks back in less than 15 seconds. Very nice! We still went to the bar, just to kinda get a feel for the crowd and to see if we could see anybody from the boards right away. Also, we were trying to spot Sharon and Ivan (it’s much easier to spot Sharon than Ivan for some reason), and make sure that their first night was fun. We found them at some point, I already had a buzz going. Their check-in experience wasn’t as flawless as ours had been, alas. Oops for TTR, that sort of dealt the “Premier Tour” a black eye from their point of view right from the get-go.

    It was the first day, and most of you guys know what first days at Temptation are like! I was doing my best to kill that keg of Dose Equis by myself, and Stacia was trying to see if she could actually make the server guy, Jaime, pass out from heat exhaustion trying to keep up with her vodka requests. At least it seemed that way, as much travel back and forth the serving staff was having to do for her. Needless to say we were a little wasted by the time dinner rolled around. Well, maybe a lot wasted!

    Did the dinner thing at margaritas, which was great as always. As stated above, we found Ivan and Sharon sometime during this and they had eaten with us, though I still can’t really remember exactly when Sharon came walking up. She wasn’t quite in the spirit of things yet, wearing her bikini bottoms, but like a little rap style cover-up over her boobs. When she came walking up on Stacia, who had gone ass-out as soon as she hit the pool area, and was already damn near naked in about 2 square inches of actual material, it took about two minutes for Sharon’s top to come off and for her to really join the party! Way to go girls! I just realized, I didn’t ask either her or Ivan if she took her top off the first day, not that it matters.

    Naughty Schoolgirls & Kilts Show up! Well, sorta...


    That first night was Naughty Schoolgirl and Kilt night and let’s just say that the turnout by the guys for the kilts was less than impressive. There were only three guys there wearing kilts. What in the hell is up with that? Ivan, myself and I think it was Brad(??), from bradncrystal. I am not hundred percent on that, remember, I was already hammered.


    Still, there were a few more naughty schoolgirls then there were kilts. Stacia & Sharon look smashing, and they were having fun, lifting up the kilts to see what was underneath

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    . Likewise, we, and several of the people watching, were enjoying sending the girls to the bar to get our drinks - skirts already too short to really cover the butt really show off a remarkable amount of landscape when bending forward over a bar, placing a drink order. Anyway, first aid drunkenness and travel tiredness set in. We ended up calling it an evening that night by about 11:00 PM

    Now this is my departure into TTR Trip Follies -----

    So… I’ve got this mini-kilt on and nothing else on under it, and Stacia’s been strutting around in a micro-miniskirt likewise unaccoutred, and bending over to get my drinks, etc., for the better part of 2 hours. So, I’m not really thinking well. I do, however, or some part of me reminds me about the balcony.

    Somewhere down at Patyo’s during the night she’s mysteriously “lost” the panties to the outfit, so I’m assured that “It’s On!” I collect her romantically into my arms, plant a great mash on her upturned lips, and doff my kilt, causing her to giggle. No worries, she giggles all the time when drunk and horny. I take her hand, and lead her out onto the balcony for couples cooperative athletics. Automatically reaching back, I slide the glass doors to the room closed.

    “CLICK” is a soft, metallic sound. At that moment, that little noise cut right through my fog of horniness, with the Junior Captain pointing skyward and all, abolished the drunken buzz I had, and most impressive, managed to make me turn away from Stacia. I turned around and, you guessed it, I had just locked us out of our own room. THAT hadn’t ever happened before! Well… we’d never stayed in a ground floor room before, either, had we. Shit.

    So, I’m naked and pissed off, with this raging hard-on still saluting the heavens, Stacias almost-dressed which makes her look more naked than I actually am, and is looking quite stunningly raunchy in the way-too-small outfit, and we can’t get back into our room. We flag down a passing security guy, who waves, smiles and calls for an assist on the radio, and we were rescued about 15 minutes later. Note to all of you: Ground floor, room, don’t close the patio doors! (Note. I did manage to get some tom-foolery into those 15 minutes, and we completed a full, laughing shag inside and fell asleep, exhausted.

    Monday, April 13 (little black dress night):

    More CCC people coming in! Lots of people coming up to me and introducing themselves from the boards. Lots of people planning on being on the Boobs Cruise the next day, the 14th. Everybody having a fantastic time at the pool party during the day. No special pool party, that’s not what I mean, just a regular old sexy pool, pool party. Like that. I do have to say, this was the least energetic, and least risque, I’ve ever experienced at TTR around the pool from the entertainment staff. I just happened to mention it because someone else had mentioned it in a trip report before we had gone down there, and I was paying attention to see. People still got naked during the games, sure. Every once in a while something like that would happen, and it would be funny. But, we didn’t see much of the really risqué, sexy foolishness that we were used to seeing. I don’t know, maybe was just an off week, or maybe something’s going on from Management. I don’t know. Anyone else notice that?

    Anyway, on Monday is when we ran into all the people from CCC. Lots and lots of folks were coming up to me, congratulating me on being the person to make the Boobs Cruise go forward on the 14th. I hate to say this, While I’d like to take credit, that’s actually a little bit of bullshit. I still liked it though!
    c Bishop, bradncrystal, Happygolucky, lilismom, LnMFun, Dynamark, GernSyl, jeffofhope, Scot/Jen, Mike & Kelly, we at least met you guys, and some of you we partied hard with. There’s this guy, Dennis….. LOL! Let’s just say that some nicknames are much better than others and we’ll leave it at that. I mean, really. Who races lawnmowers around a dirt track at vicious speeds approaching 35 mph, anyway? Who does that? Well, I don’t know who is doing it now, but I DO know who did it back then.

    The little black dress turn out was all right, primarily because it’s a common enough party wear thing that there were several girls who had no idea CCC existed or that was the “theme” for dress for the evening. It brought a lot of odd looks from the girls ON the CCC boards going up to those girls and asking them “who are you on the board? I like your dress!” Part A results in confusion, Part B makes them feel good. So, the other girls usually look sort of stunned. It was OK, but we went to bed a bit early so as to get up for…

    Tuesday, April 14 (Boobs Cruise & Naughty Nurses Night)”:

    Up early, for vacation anyway. Hit the breakfast bar at the buffet, at which I’ve developed a habit of having a breakfast sandwich. Two slices of white toast, filled with eggs and bacon, with a couple-three splashes of Tobasco sauce. Breakfast of Champions taken in, off to wait to get on the boat. In April, I stepped on like 4-5 girls trying to get on the boat and into position, so Stacia asked Steve if we could jump the line and go get on, and out of the way, early. No worries, go ahead says Steve, so off we go. We are greatly encouraged when we see and wave at Omar, the first words out of his mouth to Stacia are: “You changed your hair!” This, though the only time he’s ever been around either of us was on our first Boobs Cruise back on April 23rd. She makes a good impression, I guess?

    Then, we’re surprised again as Chinos comes up on board, saying, “Hey, I know you guys!” and I think to myself, this thing is going to be crazy. Greetings and jokes all around, and we go find a neat-O place near the bow to hang out and get a little space saved for Ivan & Sharon. Chinos & Omar pose with me for a pre-cruise pic (ironic considering what was to happen later on), then they hand me my first cold beer of the day at 9:42 a.m. Nice. Everyone gets on the boat, music pumps up, Omar introduces himself to everyone and collects all the tops on board, save one (don’t ask, we didn’t), and all the boobs on board, save two, are loosed to the sun, sea and wind. The Boobs Cruise flag is lofted to admiring whistles, hoots, squeals and other loud party noises of admiration - both on our boat and from other surrounding boats.

    At this point, I admit I can’t give you a complete description of everything that happened. I know that it involved the usual whipped cream on boobs, cream on other places, skinny dipping and a remarkable demonstration of Ivan & Sharon doing 69 in the ocean (no they couldn’t touch bottom (sea bottom, you pervs), they were underwater - Impressive!), lots and lots of drinking, etc.

    ** It was during the outbound leg that my waterproof camera decided it wanted to attempt to commit suicide, so it crawled out of my pocket, bounced off of the deck in a certain crazy shock-proof way, and dropped through the bow netting between the twin hulls, and settle gracefully to the bottom. If someone goes out about 15 minutes from shore at about 10 knots, you might find it. It’s in about 25-30 feet and is probably still completely useable since it was rated to 10m. It’s got some great pics of the folks at the front of the boat, LOL!

    Which leads me to ask if anyone has any of their own BC pics they could share. Pitiful, I know. Next time, I’ll be smarter, or at least stupid-proof, and I’ll have the dang diving strap connected to the thing. We DO drink a LOT on these things. So, please email us your pics if we're in them! LOL!

    Nakedness, sexy games, great lunch on the island and some go off to shop, some to the Stinky Bar I guess, and a few just to the beach. That’s where Stacia & I went. She DID feel a little weird, since where we pull in to shop is a family district and she didn’t think about it and just walked off the boat in nothing but her shades and that 2.5 sq. in of fabric and string back. It being the Island of Women (La Isla Mujeres) I wasn’t worried about it, but there were a LOT of little kids around, so she sort of had to run and jump and plop down in the water just off the beach. But, that was fun, too. Then back on board, more whipped cream on public and private parts, and drink-drank-drunk all the way back to TTR. Disembark and hit up the Sexy pool for more fun and games, powering straight through to dinner, then put on the Naughty Nurses outfits (another smashing idea, whoever came up with that *cough-cough* ahem, ahem) and then down to Patyo’s at 8:00! Rock ‘n Roll!

    The below pic taken by drunken Ivan with a certain sumpin-sumpin' on his mind:


    Oops. Warning! Patyo’s at 8:00 sort of resembles a bar before it actually opens. It really IS a bar before it opens, though you can get a drink there at that time. Our problem was that we were just so blasted drunk and tired that we just couldn’t keep it going while no one was there and no music was going. So, that night got called and upstairs to the rooms we went for pic-taking and combat gymnastic gyrative couplings. Hit the Rack, not quite… passing out.

    Wednesday, August 15 (White Dress Shirt Night):

    Ivan & Sharon’s last night, so their last pool day has to be great, too. By this time, since the “party” crew all met one another on the Boobs Cruise, and everyone knows Everyone, the party actually hit full swing by 11:00, instead of the average of 1:00 on the, I call them transition days, between one general group’s arrival and another’s departure. I think what saved us is that we all ate four times that day, not only because we were starving, but to also take a break from all the Wet Pussy, Purple Shit, Cowboy Cocksurs, Blowjobs, Buttery Nipples, Screaming Orgasms, Sex on the Beach, etc. etc. etc. which was happening at the bar. Ouch. I hung in there with my Bubba Keg, which was always at least half full and always, the main thing, Cold. Way to go, my man Jaime the server-dude! He had a partner who deserves the same praise, but he had me drink so much I forgot his name. I almost forgot mine.

    ** Steve, I "think" this pic doesn't have nip-slip, but if it does, please delete so as to not offend the folks, with my blind-guy's apologies. But, if it can stay up, here's what we looked like at about 11:30:


    Whoever came up with the “White Dress Shirt Night” theme should be given a medal, I’m totally serious. No, it wasn’t me. The really cool thing about that theme is that, unlike the costume based, or even the color-based themes, it is REALLY easy for girls to join in. Forget about the “white” part of the deal, what guy goes on vacation to any halfway nice place with his lady and does NOT pack at least ONE nice, long-sleeved shirt? Mentally-injured guys only, I would surmise. The four of us came down about 8:45 this night, it was a little better than it had been at 8:00. In only a minute, Sharon & Stacia noted another 3 CCC girls in the white dress shirts and heels. And, I was so proud of ALL of these ladies, NONE of them seemed to have but the single button fastened. Made me sort of swell with … er … pride.

    As Patyo’s started filling up, more and more of the CCC people who were there came down, and it was almost a 100% of jumping on this particular theme night. So, probably 25-30 or so girls from CCC there, all in the shirts & heels only.

    Then, the other girls started asking, then poking their husbands and asking if they brought a nice shirt, and the guys, grinning like idiots offering to go get it for them, etc. That party exploded with participation and got off the hook. Let’s just say that nobody needed to tell anyone what was supposed to happen at Midnight!

    Note: A special place in this night’s memory for me is meeting wvdegb (Deb, duh) on the boards with her guy, eric as wvdeb/eric. They were staying elsewhere in Cancun, but obviously know all about TTR, and not just from CCC. Ivan introduced me to her sort of as the lady who was setting the standard, though we were getting drunk and he wasn’t that slick. Deb had one of Eric’s white shirts on, and nice heels, per the nights uniform. No buttons done up, which was fantastic at 11:25 p.m., and she didn’t have a stich on beneath. I was pleased to meet her, you might say. Deb & Eric were great, and they hung around with our group and partied late into the night with us, even staying so far as to join a crowd of about 30 of us skinny dipping in the sports pool. That sucker was cold though, so after the novelty wore off, and people noticed how damn frigid it was for some reason, most left except for the frozen tundra die-hards. The rest of us went back to the rooms to warm up, so to speak.

    Thursday, August 16(lingerie Night):

    Ivan and Sharon had to leave around Noon, but everyone was up late the night before, so we barely found each other to deliver goodbye hugs etc. before their ride was there, which sucked, but that’s unfortunately how visiting at TTR goes. Our cool thing was these friends live less than 10 miles from us and want to get back to TTR with us whenever they can, which we … ah … sort of like to do as well.

    The ironic thing about the above paragraph is that Thursday was OUR last day/night, so it really isn’t surprising that we met another great couple Jim & storm, Oklahoma by way of Florida (lengthy story), who go by SixSixVette here on CCC at their, I believe, 1st trip to TTR. We got to hang out with them a little bit on the Wednesday night fun frolic where we actually drunkenly met, but really spent a good, fun time in the pool just talking and laughing at everything and nothing at all.

    That day was a lot of fun, and a lot of booze (Stacia) and prodigious amounts of beer (myself) was drank, while we just kept right on talking and laughing up until our dinner reservation (Italian) at 6:30. Quick change, great meal later, then up to the room as Stacia says she needs to chill for a little wile before going down to lingerie night. So, I plops myself down on the bed, kick off the nice dinner clothes, and lay back and chill.

    9:00 rolls around, and I ask her if she’s OK, and she says just a little longer.

    10:00 rolls around and she asks me if I’m OK, which I am.

    11:00 shows up and we both realize we just don’t have the energy left to go back down. That’s OK, because we’re on vacation. If you’re tired, sleep. If you wanna party like a crazy person (did that the night before), go kill it. lingerie night, we ended up missing. *shrug*

    Friday, August 17:

    We leave on the 3:00-ish United flight to Houston, so we get picked up at Noon-ish usually, this time 12:15. We did breakfast, went around the pool and the bar, had a couple drinks with people who whished us a safe trip, and then the reverse of the original process that got us to TTR took over.

    To everyone we met -- we hope to see you again. To those of you we met who live in, near to, or who might want to travel to Houston to hang out with us, PM and we can connect via email, no worries! We really ought to be able to take a little of TTR back home, don't y'all think? Right? Right!

    But …. It is now less than 30 days until we’re back! Boo-yah!
  2. JackAttack

    JackAttack Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jun 2, 2012
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    +0 / 0
    Thanks John! I've been patiently awaiting your TR for weeks! I knew it would be in-depth, thought-provoking, and comical. Definitely worthy of note taking while reading it. No mention of the turn of events that led up to another trip in 30 days? If you would care to edit as to elaborate a little more... Enquiring minds want to know. :)
  3. zurc

    zurc I want to grow up to be Chino's! Registered Member

    Aug 11, 2008
    Likes Received:
    San Antonio, TX
    +3 / 0
    Great detailed TR. Thanks for sharing!
  4. marilyn&steve

    marilyn&steve Addict Registered Member

    Nov 2, 2007
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    +0 / 0
    Great trip report! Can't wait til October, we'll see you there at least for a couple days.
  5. BethandDave

    BethandDave Enthusiast Registered Member

    Oct 14, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Albany NY
    +108 / 0
    When I read the part of you being naked with a hard on locking your self out of your room, I have to admit, I laughed and shot wine out of my nose:partyhorn::partyhorn:
  6. matchandahalf

    matchandahalf Guest

    +0 / 0
    You kill me John. You're a riot. Sure hope you're coming back next April!
  7. c bishop

    c bishop Regular Registered Member

    Mar 14, 2009
    Likes Received:
    +9 / 0
    Great trip report. We missed sending you off as we took the option to go to Desire for 2 nights. We had a great time meeting the Auguslust group. We will be at TTR in December, you ought to join the Chaos crew.

    DEEREMAN The bunny is out Registered Member

    Aug 30, 2010
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    north mexico (aka south Texas)
    +15 / 0
    Its nice to see others get locked out of their room too...classic. A moment you will never forget
  9. Trish

    Trish I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jul 30, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Liverpool, UK
    +678 / 0
    Loved the TR! Sucks about your camera! I had mine tied to my wrist with the wrist strap the whole journey as it is a bit bumpy out there!
  10. Stacia_and_John

    Stacia_and_John T&A Tour Guide Registered Member

    Mar 1, 2012
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    Houston, TX
    +4,620 / 14
    JackAttack, the October trip was actually planned before the August trip. The August one was special, to make sure Sharon had a great Birthday trip, which she did and wants everyone she met at TTR to know. The October trip is the last time frame when Stacia can get away from her job as an upper-level retail management exec, so the past two years I've brought her to TTR since it's the best way to NOT think about serious stuff that happens in Retail Hell a/k/a Christmas Season.
    Next April is "Go Mission," Karen, no worries!
    One thing in the above TR I failed to emphasize, mostly because I truly did not clearly remember much was how totally fun and crazy the Boobs Cruise was with both Omar and Chinos there. Boat almost totally full, I think Steve mentioned to me that we got it up to 56 of a max capacity of 60, which was great for August, he said. I was just thankful to everyone for finally getting registered to do it because that really made Sharon's birthday unique, to say the least! You guys and gals who've been on the BC know, it can't be beaten or reproduced!
    I could have gone on five more pages or so with the thing, telling anecdotal stories about hilarious stuff Dennis was doing, or how much fun we had just chilling and talking on the outbound leg of the BC
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