Job in Cancun with little Spanish

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by AleFigueroa1, May 23, 2018.

  1. AleFigueroa1

    AleFigueroa1 Newbie Registered Member

    May 23, 2018
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    I'm a Mexican, dating a Canadian, we've been together for years here in Cancpun, and he wants to get a job here. The only proble is that his Spanish is really bad, almost unexistent.
    So we're looking for a job where it isn't required to speak Spanish, just fluent English.
    Do you think that will be hard to get?
    What options could we have?

    Thanks everybody! :)
  2. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Yes, I think it will be hard to get a job. Main options are Timeshare, Ents Staff or teaching English.

    All will require a working Visa which has to be applied for from your home country. The employer may help with this, or may not.
  3. Pamela Kelly Sztyblewski

    Pamela Kelly Sztyblewski Newbie Registered Member

    Jun 1, 2018
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    Not so much even TimeShare anymore, I'm doing that and noticing that that's getting more and more Spanish.
    There are SOME Call Centres here, the locals at the hostel I'm work-staying at tell me.
    I applied and got an interview at one, which told me that if you didn't have your papers yourself if the call centre told you they'd get them for you, the majority of them won't do it or won't do it properly so you will be working without papers and they do Immigration "sweep" this area more than the rest of Mexico due to the large percentage of English-speaking tourists (read: Americans and Canadians, they're not "on the lookout" for Irish or British or New Zealanders so much) here working those kinds of jobs, and they WILL deport you. To that I said "good, a free ticket home!" Well, after all the crap I've been through on North America lately, I contacted Safe Home Ireland and they said there were no repatriation charity funds..."work illegally" is my potential ticket outta here. There may even be a way to do this through a UN-based organisation that makes the arrangements without the prison time...
    Teaching English...if you can stomach the TimeShare industry, it pays better. I don't see how I could possibly stomach the Teaching English industry, though, the way I tend to get treated when people see me as if they've assumed that I'm Mexican (or Guatemalan or Panamanian or Bolivian...) and couldn't possibly SPEAK English let alone have a TEFL certificate on top of my Master's degrees (one of which from a Trilingual COUNTRY). Minorities even from England or Ireland, trying to get taken seriously as English teachers anywhere in the world....that's a horse of a different colour. It's as if it's so ingrained into people's psyches that English is the language of White people or something, that I can't even get addressed IN it initially when people see me even if they do speak it! A couple of ENGLISH people even did that one to me!! But if the OP is not half-Irish-half-French-Polynesian the latter doesn't apply to them.
  4. Cancunscorpio

    Cancunscorpio Enthusiast Registered Member

    Aug 12, 2006
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    Pamela, what prison time are you even talking about??? Prison time for what? For overstaying your Tourist Visa???
    They will fine you on exit, true that, but they won't under NO circumstances put you into prison for THAT violation of the Mexican immigration law.
    You claim that you make 1000 pesos per day in Time Shares. The cheapest one way ticket from Cancun to London sells for 333$ US.
    Here is the address of an Irish Consulate in Cancun: Consulate of Ireland in Cancun, Mexico

    Why don't you get in touch with them and ask THEM for help?
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