Jerk Oxxo Clerks and Their Refusal to Honor Telcel Promo

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by BruceWedding, Jan 24, 2012.

  1. lovethetropics

    lovethetropics Enthusiast Registered Member

    May 5, 2011
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    My mexican friends say that its becasue theyre poorly paid, ( then find a better paid job, duh) but soem Oxxo's are ok, some are Lousy as hell,,,,,, I was paying at cashier n she took EVERY single client on before finishing my order now how she did that w out buggering my payment is bbeyond me, but,,,,, other oxxos are good,,,,,,, just dpeande who knows maybe the \MGR?
    oh n dont get me going on home depot,, man,,,,, ugh,,,,,,,,
  2. lovethetropics

    lovethetropics Enthusiast Registered Member

    May 5, 2011
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    one month if they work full time which is mon-sat 2pm,,,,, or live in, if they ggo to your house once a week, well, you haveno olbigstions, i once bought n cooked 2 rturkeys for 2 dinner event, id septrated white meat from brown meat, offered her brown meat,,,,,, well she took both turkeys white meat, i was stuck w tons of guesests who were visibly upset,,,,,, gee, she was too distracted cos her daughter didnt want hwr working for me,,,,,,,
    cos since i fed her mom wenty home n slept n didnt do her duties and didnt feed 27 yt old daughtwer n i was a nuisance etc,,,,,,,,!!!!! oh well what about the 2 turkeys,,,,, ? how come she so distracted she took oppoosite what waa s givewn to her etc,,,,,,, man was i mad, but daughtwer managed to control weak mommy n rosa had to quit n duaghtr was happier i suppose lol Rosaloved working w me,,, she wa sslow n dum but sweet n honest,,,,, her daightwer, now she was a piece of work!!! hope youre ok Rosa,i BE WAITING FOR YOU TO KNOCK ON THIS DOOR if so it will be whe will of the Infinite Divinity,,,,,,,,
    PROVIDING ITS W OUT your daughter, the control freak, baby, cant make soup n sandwich? jealous your mom is getting good food n shes a maid n you an exectutive ohhhhhhhh you expect your mother to be your slave,,,,,,,, shame on you!
  3. lovethetropics

    lovethetropics Enthusiast Registered Member

    May 5, 2011
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    for your maid Not requiered by law unless she hired weekly 5.5 days week or such.
    Now if itsyour gardener n hes nice, givehim a plant,,,,, if its someppl you know in the gov, give em a small gift orinvite out to dinner, wink,,,,,,, but obigstions are onyif ther e is a comapny w severasl emplouess,
    a firend said to me recntly well, did you know you must MUST pay or give meal to employees here? I cracked up,
    Look if in hotel industery yes, if in home industry its customary cos they paid so little but nowthat a madi is making more than a canuck well thats rididculous,,,,,
    theure not paying taxes,,, they get ALL benefits,,, etc,,,,,, they steasl they break your sytuff, dont rtreplace etcv, its endless.. add your own disaster here lol
    but an aguinaldo is a gift for services well perfromed n appredciated duriong the yuear so if jy maid steals mu shoes, yup.... n pota n pans, doesnt show up nor call for xmas week n the week b4 n doesnt show up that week steals, she was recommended by a lafy at MP whihcis where you file theft or charges anyway ! then she made mistake of blowin goff my nrother in law cos she wasnt doing anything etc n he told her tog o home n she wanted t o be paid ewhile they got rid of termiteres,,,, ;p; sp sje stayed n he fired her, she said uglh y words etc nthenboth told me conflicting stories,,,,, aLWAYS say the truth lol
    so i called refernece who she wa sworking for, etrc, but someow celia was steaaling or trying to,, she stole pot but hid pan lol i found pan but no pot, aha! so,,,,,, I grilled her,,,,
    on xmas week she soucnt come not even one day her husband hadhad a bulldozer hit his toes n broken all ALL bones, oooooookkkkkkk she invites me at easter toher home at 9 am something like that,,,,,,,,,, i deont want to go but,,,,, i figure i show up,,,,, n split,,,,,, well well well, hubby opens door, INvites me in, smellomg opf beer or somethnng alcoholic.I look down tohis feet, he had all ten toes, hm no bandages,m etc,,,,, im ticked off,,,, i saidwell wqhere is celia? oh she,well come on in she just left for ilsa mujeres at 7 am, today will be back for nightfall or later, her daughter lives there,,,, ahum,,,,,, he had xero problems w his toes etc n tons w manhood he offered to marry me,,,, hello,,,,,,? arent you celias husband? nope common law she cant doa thingabout it,,,, darned,,,,,,, staayed for bout 10 min n spliot,. then when sheshowed upwhichhad becopme wqhen she felt like it,,,, i fireed her, called the reference from ministerio publico etc,,,,, n burnt her,,,,,,,,
    she onc eshowed up at 10 am instead of 8 am n left at noon,,,,,,, i said,,,,, i need to go to dr, stay, i came home to unlocked doors, tel recordings between him n her wtf,n all sorts of stuff,,,,,, i fired her,,,,,,,, oh sHE Stayed 1 halfhrs n stole her cash froom our setret place, no doras were locked she didnt notify me, shse was in her 40s,,,,
    Now I ask for ID etc,,,,,,, keeps evderyone ikn line,fo..lw rules easier
  4. lovethetropics

    lovethetropics Enthusiast Registered Member

    May 5, 2011
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    vent baby vent lol part of the show! llol eventually none of this will bother you or things will equalise themselves,,, Obviously you wwerent inMexico or cancun some 4o yrs ago,, lol I was! hehehehehe now its like water off a ducks back, i take thier name im poite, etc, then i report them whatever, or go straigthto profeco, in front of IMSS downtowntown or between oxxo n chedraui tulum, fithy store, ugh,,,,,,,,, i crigne when i need to go ex: batteries n im in the arrea, ugh, fithly same as Comer Mex in front of ADO, ugh,,,, outdated merchandise, etc, my favs?
    Soriana by far, excellent service, food, veggies fresh etc,, the very best,,, next we have the MEGO commercial mexicana on Kabbah,,,,,, then theres the newer one on lopez portillo close to banks n mc donalds, lol n its awesome! Excellent assortment of cheeses n goodies lol
    do NOT buy a single plant in Home Depot, Ive spent over 2 grand there n not one plant has survived,,,,,, normally they die within a week or less, bugs etc,,,,,, god onloy knows where they buy their stuff, also do not buy a kitchen there, sloppy work, etc, cabinets full of mould n mildew, etc, 4 th rate merchandise,,,,,,, takes only 5 weeks to be installed BADLY, then 5 more Months for them to pay attention, i finally went to profeco,,,,, consumer portection bureau,,,,,, they got me service al right,,, real fast,,,,,, or call home depot in the usa the main offices for mex are same as main offices for usa, so,,,,,,,, easy peasy, n beleive me they do take these issues seriously,,,,,, ! as for profeco its come a long way in past 30 yrs,, n boy bnow they got power n youre th e winner,,,,,,,, lol unlesss youre a real loser,,,,,, gee,,,,,,, humans,,,,,,,, lol enjoy,,,, life too short,,,,,,
  5. lovethetropics

    lovethetropics Enthusiast Registered Member

    May 5, 2011
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    vent baby vent lol part of the show! llol eventually none of this will bother you or things will equalise themselves,,, Obviously you wwerent inMexico or cancun some 4o yrs ago,, lol I was! hehehehehe now its like water off a ducks back, i take thier name im poite, etc, then i report them whatever, or go straigthto profeco, in front of IMSS downtowntown or between oxxo n chedraui tulum, fithy store, ugh,,,,,,,,, i crigne when i need to go ex: batteries n im in the arrea, ugh, fithly same as Comer Mex in front of ADO, ugh,,,, outdated merchandise, etc, my favs?
    Soriana by far, excellent service, food, veggies fresh etc,, the very best,,, next we have the MEGO commercial mexicana on Kabbah,,,,,, then theres the newer one on lopez portillo close to banks n mc donalds, lol n its awesome! Excellent assortment of cheeses n goodies lol
    do NOT buy a single plant in Home Depot, Ive spent over 2 grand there n not one plant has survived,,,,,, normally they die within a week or less, bugs etc,,,,,, god onloy knows where they buy their stuff, also do not buy a kitchen there, sloppy work, etc, cabinets full of mould n mildew, etc, 4 th rate merchandise,,,,,,, takes only 5 weeks to be installed BADLY, then 5 more Months for them to pay attention, i finally went to profeco,,,,, consumer portection bureau,,,,,, they got me service al right,,, real fast,,,,,, or call home depot in the usa the main offices for mex are same as main offices for usa, so,,,,,,,, easy peasy, n beleive me they do take these issues seriously,,,,,, ! as for profeco its come a long way in past 30 yrs,, n boy bnow they got power n youre th e winner,,,,,,,, lol unlesss youre a real loser,,,,,, gee,,,,,,, humans,,,,,,,, lol enjoy,,,, life too short,,,,,,
  6. lovethetropics

    lovethetropics Enthusiast Registered Member

    May 5, 2011
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    if ya spoil em they steal OK
  7. T.J.

    T.J. I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 13, 2003
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    Cancun. QR, Mexico
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    I, for one, find this statement impossible to believe. Is Obama now in charge of Mexico's tax system?

    50% in taxes is not what it is.

    Hey, Love, you got on a roll there, didn't you? LOL
  8. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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  9. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    Cancun, Q Roo.
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    Heh, managed to sort out a few words :)
  10. johndish

    johndish Regular Registered Member

    Dec 5, 2005
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    I was thinking about buying some plants from home depo anyone have any thoughts on that?
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