Jen&Kyle Trip Report Octoberbreast TTR + Desire RM 2015

Discussion in 'Temptation Resort Reviews' started by Jen&Kyle, Nov 19, 2015.

  1. CaptMorgan

    CaptMorgan Addict Registered Member

    Nov 20, 2012
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    I'm down for the swinging beach side bed. Sounds awesome.

    Thanks again Kyle for the detailed TR. Very Helpful.

    I'll add one thing for those who have not been to the Desire resorts. The shots will eff you up unlike TTR "shots". This has gone unmentioned. A fair middle ground (but nonetheless delicious shot) is the Desire "mini-beer" shot. Fantastic! And better served off a beautiful woman. Google this shot for more info. Amazing!
  2. Jen&Kyle

    Jen&Kyle I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 12, 2010
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    Breakfast was delivered at 9am. We ordered omelets, bacon, sausage, orange juice and green juice. Breakfast is delivered for free and prearranged thru your butler if you have a suite. We ate on the balcony just feet from the ocean. Another beautiful day!


    You do share the balcony with 2 other suites.



    Tip: get the pedialyte powder packets from your pharmacy or grocery store at home. Fill up your 16/20 ounce water bottle before bed and chug the entire thing. Really helps avoid hangovers and helped us for this day.

    We went to daily yoga at 10:30 am under the gazeebo on the beach. Another great way to refresh the body to prepare for another day of fun. This resulted in us missing daily beach volleyball at 11am but it was so hot this week that the yoga was a better fit for our goals of rejuvenation.

    Hooray. Today more Octoberbreast friends arrived from TTR. BigT and the Mrs, Lt/Jenn and Tiff/Andrew. All fun people who love and appreciate the many benefits TTR has to offer but wanting to try something a little different and split their trips. So now 6 couples have joined us w a split trip (2 last year) and I believe all are now converts. Hey, you never know what you are missing until you give it a try. We endorse the TTR party like you are 21 again first, then followed by a Desire trip where you recuperate some but more importantly connect with your significant other, and maybe some sensual adult fun thrown in if that is your thing :) approach.

    So the gang caught up in the pool with the drink of the day. A snow leopard or something like that. Kind of a frozen lemonade vodka drink if I recall correctly. They have a drink of the day which we enjoyed trying each day to try to add some variety to our go to drinks... Sugar free red bull w grey goose orange or grey goose and water with a splash of orange juice or captain and diet cokes. FYI, we bring our own red bull as it is extra, $5 a can I believe. Putting 3 4 packs in the luggage seems to do the trick for us. While I am on the drink tangent, there are many wine options. The house choices are just ok, nothing special. They also have numerous options you can purchase which is nice, however, not too many options on the high end. But there is a lot of variety.

    Tip: you can bring 3 liters of alcohol into the country tariff free, each. In the past we have brought grey goose vodka and sailor jerrys rum. But they have grey goose available everywhere at Desire included and Captain Morgan's. So this year we brought our favorite bottles of wine. Was a nice addition to the dinners.

    We did the 1 or 2 pm lunch thing poolside. More fresh grouper and I think this was the day they had fresh seafood payeia. Rice with muscles, clams, shrimp, chorizo and grouper. So good. Staff continued to bring us drink after lunch, in the pool, while simply walking by. Never once had to wait at the bar as the drinks were almost always brought directly to us. Just amazing service.

    Post lunch we played some corn hole on the beach. Jen and I can't be beat :) We will take on anyone but there has to be some sort of wager. I think day one we took down Darin and Melissa. This day the staff, some new friends and even lt/andrew teamed up. No luck dethroning the champs. Among many other skills the mrs can throw a bean bag very well. Sometimes I think others may be trying to lose as she tends to get so happy with the drinks being brought over and doing well that she does give out a lot of naked hugs and slaps on the ass lol. All in good fun.

    Last trip we regretted not spending much time on the beach beds so afterwards Jen and I headed to a beach bed to enjoy the day. Now you are not supposed to do any adult activities on the beach. But damnit when you have that awesome view, feel the ocean breeze and have this lying next to you...

    Sorry if you can't see the below pic. This one is in a private album for friends only even though I still felt like I should cover the naughty bits :)


    things are bound to happen :) We were mostly good though. Enjoying each other's touch in this most amazing environment. It really does fire you up. So when we could not take the tease any more we ran off to the room for some fun. We fling open the door...Ughhhh. The damn maid of course is there. Wheels in my mind spinning. Where to go, where to go. We are not much into exhibitionism but I say to Jen we are at an adult resort we are doing this damnit. So we just did it right in front of the maid. Just kidding. Gross. We ran off to the jacuzzi beds figuring we would get there before most of the crowd. It was empty except for the bar tender. Awesome. I didn't stop and pause the fun train to take a picture but here is one of what the day beds look like up there. Nice right?


    It was so hot (sexy hot, not temperature hot) under the blue sky, ocean in the background, nice white linens, trance music (what they play at the jacuzzi, we love it, sensual music but know a lot don't, to each their own). Another session that is now firmly entrenched in the top 10 list, what a vacation! We headed back to the beach bed and napped for an hour or so.
  3. Jen&Kyle

    Jen&Kyle I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 12, 2010
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    Wednesday part 2...

    Later our group of 10 met in the lobby bar for a cocktail before dinner at saloa (i think every time I spell the restaurant name I spell it some way different but hopefully that is close), the fancy restaurant. ....

    Lobby pic


    They will tell u they will only do a reservation up to 8 but then onsite they are willing to squeeze in 2 more for 10 and we fit comfortably...

    Dinner pic


    Saloa is nice but man it was freezing cold this night. There are some air conditioner vents up high on the left after you enter.

    TIP: if you don't like chilly air then don't let them seat you on the left of the restaurant as the vents will blow right on you. It made a couple of the ladies in our party want to call it an early night and even worse put more clothes on :(

    I think most, if not all, enjoyed their meal. Quality of the food is really rather high. Not equivalent to the top restaurants in the US but definitely the best we have had while on vacation in Mexico and we have been to a lot of places over the years. Service impeccable. We got some bottles of wine for the table and enjoyed them with good friends.

    After dinner we all headed to the lobby area where they had a dj and a couples contest. This was the closest thing to TTR style competitions with sexy dancing, questions, etc Extra fun since anything goes in your attempt to win the contest :)

    Next stop around 11 was the disco/club who had a dj of course. I faintly recall some sort of show but we don't focus on them too much. We did get to show the new arrivals the 'playroom' which has about 5-8 beds that appear to fit 4-6 people each. Honestly we have never tried them out so not 100% sure on capacity ha. But we did take turns 'trying out' the sex swing with Jen/tiff/mrs t./Melissa. But 'trying out' in this case mostly means swinging on it like it was a toddlers playground swing. :) Fun in its own way. If you read Darin's report this is when he stole Jen away for a dance while the rest of us were exploring the playroom. Jen is a crazy good dancer so I get used to it. Happens a lot in places like this but usually it is a sexy lady. Darin doesn't quite qualify as one of those sexy ladies (I guess that is arguable if you saw him in his pink boy shorts on the Boobs Cruise Monday lol, right Steve? Ha) but definitely good times on the dancefloor with friends as we all joined them post playroom to create a fun scene on the dancefloor. If you are getting bored with my ramble by now then jump forward to the Saturday night disco part. A real sexy lady stole her away for a dance+ that I will never forget :)

    Late night we hit the hot tub one last time before Darin/Melissa had to depart Thursday. Pretty chill night but we all need those every once in a while. Some drinks, good conversation, met some new folks (the jacuzzi is a great place for those of you a little shy to meet people) and then off to the room around 2 for some more husband/wife fun. A good day with friends.
  4. Darin & Melissa

    Darin & Melissa Mayor and 1st Lady of Octoberbreast Registered Member

    Jul 5, 2012
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    I never once heard Jen complain about my shorts. She liked the square cuts and was very complimentary. But, I don't think I'll bring the silid pink ones again. But it was for a great cause!
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2015
  5. Jen&Kyle

    Jen&Kyle I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 12, 2010
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    Sorry, u know I couldn't forget about the pink boy shorts in the report lol. But I guess I agree. When ever I do something that the ladies/wife likes but the guys poke fun at I know I am doing something right. :) , not wrong.
  6. Guest

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  7. Darin & Melissa

    Darin & Melissa Mayor and 1st Lady of Octoberbreast Registered Member

    Jul 5, 2012
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    That is soooo true. Especially with any group from this site!
  8. Cheers2US

    Cheers2US Guru Registered Member

    Sep 21, 2014
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    +664 / 2
    Thank you for pointing this out. I had always assumed Desire had a pie-in-the-sky cost that I could not afford. And thank you for a great trip report. My hubby and I celebrate a big anniversary next year (25!) and we haven't decided where/how to spend it. Desire is looking good right now ;)
  9. Tarzanjane68

    Tarzanjane68 Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jun 17, 2015
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    The Netherlands
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    Great trip report! Thnx for the negotiating advice.
  10. Darin & Melissa

    Darin & Melissa Mayor and 1st Lady of Octoberbreast Registered Member

    Jul 5, 2012
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    When we registered on -Cheap Tickets, Hotels, Flights, Events we were able to get a 30% off promo code. We took that and booked our nights at Desire for $307.00 a night. I texted back and forth with Kyle and he told me to jump on that price and book.

    Since then, I have been checking cheaptickets for a lot of stuff.
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