Jen&Kyle Trip Report 4/26-5/3

Discussion in 'Temptation Resort Reviews' started by Jen&Kyle, May 9, 2013.

  1. Jen&Kyle

    Jen&Kyle I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 12, 2010
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    Sunday 4/28

    6am, my turn to get up to reserve the chairs. We got the chairs near the island with our backs to the buffet, right next to the DJ. Turned out this was a good decision as it was a real wild day at that end of the pool. Both the Tits N Tats and the end of April / beginning of May group congregated at that end for shots from about 4-6pm. As I mentioned before it is the only spot that gets the late day sun.

    We did manage to recover some during the early afternoon, they have volleyball pretty much every day at 11am and 3pm so we both enjoyed some exercise before hitting the party hard again in the late afternoon. We pretty much got in a routine of either doing the breakfast buffet at 10am or Margaritas for lunch at about 1. We would just skip the other meal. Too many fun things to do. Seems like there are always main events at 12 or 2pm around the pool and sports items at 11 and 3 so we would work around that with our meals.

    Ok, so finally what a lot of you are waiting for. Sunday was the arrival of the cousin. The back story for those who didn't see the threads in April leading up to the trip...
    by pure coincidence Jens cousin was visiting TTR at the same time as us. She had never heard of the resort and was invited by a relatively new boyfriend (6 months i think?). We found out she was going to the same place as us at the same time from Facebook. What are the chance of that right? Crazy. Her family is very religious conservative so it was a huge shock to us. And she lives pretty much down the street from Jens dad. So we feared judgement and having to deal with questions/concerns, etc. Jen and her sent messages in advance and she made some comments about I cant believe people go topless there so we went in very nervous. However, some good points on here were made like... how conservative can you be if you are going to TTR with a new boyfriend? or she is probably a wild child and you just dont know it.

    So I am standing at the sexy pool bar waiting for my drinks, early afternoon and I get the tap on the shoulder. 'Kyle this place is crazy! Where is Jen?' I say hello and proceed to point to where we are sitting. Of course Jen is topless and one of the Tits n Tats ladies (think tall blonde, plump breasts) basically has her hands on Jens shoulders as they make idle chat. Nothing dirty, very innocent but it just looks bad to a conservative religious cousin. Mouth drops open and I jump in to simply explain that this place is like spring break for adults, we come here to escape from reality, blah blah blah. They go back to the beach and eventually come up to say hello but we basically only saw them once at the sexy pool again for the rest of the trip. Of course it was when I was naked because I had given my suit for the Mrs. Temptations contest. I was only naked at the pool once, actually twice counting Naked Tequila Volleyball, or three times if you count the Wednesday evening shots but still what kind of luck is that?

    There is more to the story but Jen has asked me to not discuss certain details in the report so I must digress. We did get a call from her Dad I believe the next day or two days later saying he heard we were at the same resort as ____ and that it was crazy. So oh well, as everyone who was there knows we didnt let it effect our fun. We do everything we can to maximize our time and fun at TTR and I think we still did that.

    I will share what happened on lingerie night when we get to Thursday :) Sorry, Rich/Jen I like to tease. :icon_razz:
  2. glenn/monique

    glenn/monique Titties n Beer Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2006
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    Yipeeeeeeeeeeeee inhibitions be gone...........kinda fun huh.
  3. Jen&Kyle

    Jen&Kyle I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 12, 2010
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    The rest of Sunday 4/28

    So we left the sexy pool at 6 something after many, many shots. It was getting a little chilly as the sun went down so we decided to go use our jacuzzi before a 8pm Italian restaurant reservation.
    TIP: timing of dinner is critical to maximizing both your enjoyment by the pool and still making the events at Patyo's/Nice Shoes. We found 8pm worked perfectly for us. We like to stay at the pool to 6 something. And we like to make it to the event at night which usually starts at 9 or 9:30. Good to go to the events and get a feel for the place if you are a new visitor. People that have been many times might eat a little later, miss the show and then just arrive at Patyos some time between 10 and 11. ​
    The Italian is great. We loved it on previous trips and it was still the best on this trip. Having reservation priority thru drops of love was great because we could eat where we want when we want. If you dont have reservation priority you have to call in the morning and there is limited availability so it is difficult to get Italian at the prime time. However, money does talk so if you tip right you can still get a table.

    So we told our friends we were going to hit the hot tub and then Italian and then see everyone at Patyos. We were getting the hot tub ready and we had surprise, but welcome, visitors. The hot tubs are small. 4 people in the hot tub is tight. (Note: although it wasnt 4 ladies this time, I will say 4 ladies in a hot tub is perfect). So we let the ladies indulge in the hot tub. Our philosophy is it all starts with the ladies and whatever happens then happens. We are pretty vanilla at home. We might get a little crazy on vacation, not 100% crazy if you know what i mean but it sure was a fun night. We didnt make our Italian reservations :)
  4. glenn/monique

    glenn/monique Titties n Beer Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2006
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    Edmonton, canada
    +426 / 1
    Good for you guys. I thought when I first heard that cousins would be there that it might ruin your fun. I`m glad Jen stuck to going topless no matter what. I think however that it ruined your cousins trip more as they coul.dn't handle seeing Jen topless.
    Last edited: May 13, 2013
  5. Jen&Kyle

    Jen&Kyle I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 12, 2010
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    Lets just say I was censored! I will explain when I get to Thursday. :)
    Miss you guys. Wish you would join us in October!
  6. Jen&Kyle

    Jen&Kyle I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 12, 2010
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    Yes, you did! Nice seeing you both again.

    Marshe, made our day one day. Said, Jen&Kyle we remember you guys from that crazy February 2010 Boobs Cruise! I think that was a compliment?

    However, he did say my posts are too long and detailed. I guess that hasnt changed. Sorry Marshe!
  7. adam12

    adam12 Enthusiast Registered Member

    Sep 22, 2012
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    "There is more to the story but Jen has asked me to not discuss certain details in the report so I must digress"

    NO NO NO NO, curiosity is killing, did cousin at least go topless
  8. Jen&Kyle

    Jen&Kyle I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 12, 2010
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    Oh no. Absolutely not.
  9. HannahMac

    HannahMac Addict Registered Member

    Apr 29, 2013
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    +2 / 0
    Your trip reports are awesome! The details are really helpful. Looking forward to partying with you guys in October!
  10. Darin & Melissa

    Darin & Melissa Mayor and 1st Lady of Octoberbreast Registered Member

    Jul 5, 2012
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    Fort Worth, Texas
    +157 / 0
    Us also, will October never get here!!! UGH. - M
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